Search results for query: flat bottom

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  1. harveyj09

    T6.1 Show Us Your Upgraded Steering-Wheel

    Picture didn’t load earlier.
  2. The Flying Scotsman

    Flat bottom steering wheel

    ...the buttons at a reasonable price the hardest part of my upgrade. I ended up buying a whole wheel to just rob the buttons for my custom flat bottom wheel. I’m also pretty sure that if your van never came with a MFSW fitted as standard you would need to install a cable to power the MFSW...
  3. P

    Slider channel water collection & premature roller failure - cured.

    Hi @Graveydogg thank you for getting back to me. I will give this a try. Unfortunately where I park the van, rain always seems to get into the bottom channel. Thanks again
  4. V

    Another Steering wheel change

    ...with paddle connections? Any advise or comments welcomed. The van is a 2016 Euro5 DSG Highline Base Van and I want flappy paddles and a flat bottom wheel. My current setup is a round wheel without flappy paddles. I Then managed to get this one for a steal and my plan is to remove the black...
  5. The Flying Scotsman

    What are your top 5 things you’ve bought for/fitted to your van?

    No it’s not a cover. I replaced my plastic steering wheel with a custom made one supplied by SScustom works. I think it based on a flat bottomed polo wheel. I bought a highline T6 wheel and robbed the buttons of it and used the guide on here (thread retro fit MFSW) to wire it in so my stereo...
  6. C

    Hillside Birchover

    This, the bottom of rails sit flush. I think it’s just the profile issue. I am waiting for solar panel guy to confirm can slide fixings in from either end. If so will pull trigger (can’t prob spring for 200w, but he assures me it’s all plug and play after the fact)
  7. TheGrapeEscape

    My Reflex Silver Project

    ...I spotted this for sale, and just HAD to have it. Mrs didn't understand the need for it, but i told her it's more of a want than a need. A lovely T6 flat bottom carbon steering wheel, brand new never used. The guy I got it from had it sat in a box. Also got some coaster off little @JOG...
  8. B

    T6.1 Beach uneven after lowering with Eibach Pro Kit

    I would swap around the rear springs, make sure they are set in the bottom rubber ring correctly (there is a notch in the bottom arm that the rubber ring sits into and the spring sits into that) and put the spacer in as directed. One side usually a little different, 14mm is probably a bit much...
  9. A

    For Sale Exploria kombi bed size 6

    No strap on mine, I think its on the T6 it folds, mines a T5.1 :(
  10. J

    Removing a rear bumper protector

    I got a price to blow in the bottom of the tailgate to the first crease for £120. The painter has done my lads Fiesta after he was crashed into and did a brilliant job. I'll get that done, then get a flat black protecter for the bumper. The painter did tell me the rear quater panel had paint...
  11. Stay Frosty

    Two tone - Indium grey - suggestions needed

    Sadly a decent half respray will soon soak up £1500 including filling and flatting the poorly repainted scratches however if you do go that route I'm thinking that maroon metallic. Trouble is most two tones would feature the indium grey on the bottom so is it worth just getting a quote for an...
  12. Bainie

    Loading Ramp/motorbike Ramp

    Yes if is flat , if I raise it a few inches at the bottom it is ok , but thats a bit dodgy !
  13. L

    Sold Flat bottom DSG MFSW. £70

    For sale, bare steering wheel with DSG paddles. No airbag or buttons included. If you have a standard wheel with the same airbag and button layout as the one pictured then it’s a plug and play swap. This isn’t a brand new wheel and does show some minor signs of wear but it is very presentable...
  14. roadtripper

    Newbie battery charger questions

    1) If the leisure battery is isolated from loads it shouldn't discharge significantly - if you left everything on (especially a fridge) then it will 2) yes dropping below 50% charge damages lead acid very quickly for starter batteries and quickly for leisure 3) plenty of advice via search...
  15. t6blo

    What Have You Bought Today?

    Same make and model as the one I borrowed from the maintenance guy at work to inflate my flat (at the bottom) tyre. Works very well. I like the fact that you screw the brass fitting onto the valve instead of the usual push on or the ones that sit on and then you move a lever.
  16. Ali-G

    What Have You Bought Today?

    Personally I'd keep it and swap it back over when/if you sell the van, you'll get more for the flat bottomed one than you will for the standard one.
  17. CraigRyanH

    Found Flat bottom steering - compatible with existing air bag

    ...silicone spray to aid the removal as the lugs for the plastic surround are basically pressed into soft recesses in the wheel, the silicone spray helped reduce the resistance and pull the lugs out easier. Also the plastics for the standard round wheel are exactly the same as the flat bottom...
  18. T6ARF

    Steering wheel upgrade

    As I said above, contact Chris @Dav-Tec …. Chris can get hold of these wheels direct, fit, code and make sure everything is working as it should. :thumbsup:
  19. Andyham105

    Steering wheel help t6 to t6.1 upgrade

    Thanks, are you able to advise which ones do fit and if they are direct replacements? I have seen flat bottom polo mfsw that I would be happy with or even golf gti style ones too?
  20. Salty Spuds

    Squeal/squeak on accelerating after a long downhill run

    As the title. This has been happening for a few months & first became noticeable when we were skiing in the Alps. After a long downhill run with little braking or acceleration, I get a squeal on first acceleration at the bottom of the hill when we hit the flat. It sounds like a water pump/dry...