Search results for query: Solar panel failure

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  1. C

    Renogy DC-DC 50A (Version 1) Major Scary Failure

    Thanks for the detailed update! Have been lurking and reading with interest
  2. Farnorthsurfer

    Renogy DC-DC 50A (Version 1) Major Scary Failure

    Thanks to @Dellmassive for his perseverance we received a reply from Renogy support today regarding my burnt out 50A unit. They were very apologetic but as the unit was well out of warranty they offered me a 6% discount on a future purchase. I also received the new version 50A unit that I...
  3. Dellmassive

    Help! Solar Panel Not Charging Battery.

    looks like a similar problem as this one > Solar Panel; Toast? basically the solar panel output was dropping off when it heated up. The conclusion was that there must have been micro cracks on the foil bond wires between the individual solar cells due to the continued expansion/contraction...
  4. Dellmassive

    [Guide] Mobile Solar Panels ? . . . - How I Did It -

    Mobile Solar Panels ? . . . - How I Did It - There is loads of background to this . . . . . but for now here is a vid for you all. =] Just remember W = V*A and as a general rule a good 100W panel will give you up to 6A charge with good sun. 25w = 1.5A 50W = 3A 100w = 6A 200w = 12A 300w = 18A...
  5. Jim Rey

    Renogy DC-DC 50A (Version 1) Major Scary Failure

    I would have been less inclined to buy another unit from them after your experience. From what I have read in this thread you might have had a fire in your vehicle. I have a 50aH Renogy LIP04 battery that has died on me after only 6 months of very light use. They are giving me the severe...
  6. Sjacko20

    Help! Solar Panel Not Charging Battery.

    Thanks, I have come to the same conclusion, now just got to persuade the manufacturer.
  7. 5

    For Sale 2018 T32 LWB 150PS Trendline Kombi Campervan. £42,500 (and Business +£5000)

    For sale is our beloved 2018 VW T6 2.0l manual gearbox Long wheelbase camper van. We originally purchased the Camper along with a hire business however between working full time jobs and having kids we have seldomly hired the camper out or used it ourselves. The Camper can be purchased either...
  8. Dellmassive

    [Guide] Mobile Solar Panels ? . . . - How I Did It -

    lol . . . yeh. Roof panel is nice fit and forget solution that will help you out 24/7 and keep power in the batteries. (though fit vinyl wrap first and sikaflex to that) you can then always add extra mobile panels as/when you need them . . . ie camping. ****************** These mobile...
  9. Skyliner33

    [Guide] Mobile Solar Panels ? . . . - How I Did It -

    Thanks for taking the time for this response. As a rough guide what size panel would I need to run something like a mid size Dometic top load fridge and some led lights connected to a 120Ah leisure battery
  10. Dellmassive

    Can I use a DC to DC charger to provide higher voltages to DC charger? (aka using an all-in-one solar generator in a van install)

    German Amazon info . . . available in blue and orange. 5.0 out of 5 stars good power pack with small, partly incomprehensible, drawbacks. Reviewed in Germany on March 24, 2020 Right from the start, I mentioned the majority in my video review. What I noticed afterwards, however...
  11. Dellmassive

    Solar Panel Fusing

    Fusing panels is normally more important for fixed Building installs as they run at higher voltages and currents, though not commonly used in a small mobile solar install. blocking diodes and in-line fuses are used to prevent backflow though large panel arrays when they are connected in series...
  12. superchargedpolo

    Solar Panel Adhesive

    I wouldn't recommend a stick on solar panel. They are very susceptible to overheating. You might get away with it in the UK but you'll be pushing it in Spain. The efficiency of the panel drops as the temperature increases and flexible ones are prone to failure, overtime, for this reason...
  13. U

    Electrical System Quality vs Price

    Hi All, I've recently bought a T6 4motion SWB and I'm looking at options for the electrical system. I've taken a look through the "Seat Base Electric - How We Done It" thread and have seen some interesting ideas as well as a large variety of gear. For context, I'm trying to keep things as...
  14. B

    Solar panel and lithium battery advice pls

    Thanks so much for such a detailed reply , whilst i like the look of the lithium , the initial cost is incredibly high , and I really am struggling to justify that, I know theoretically over the life they are cheaper , but what if they fail prematurely and I am unable to claim on warranty? I...
  15. L

    Alternator Lack Of Charging Causing Battery Failure.

    I have a 2017 T6 102hp 28cwt with approx 10,000 miles. Converted to camper with solar panel fit courtesy of Vamoose. I had to have a new battery at start of 2019 due to dead battery. After recharge by AA and diagnostic checks they scrapped original battery and replaced with new Varta battery. My...
  16. superchargedpolo

    Solar Panel Adhesive

    That's all cool with me. I'm not trying to start a massive discussion but I think you have all taken my comments out of context. I basically said flexible panels are more prone to overheating and are more statistically prone to failure overtime for this reason. I'm sure you won't have any...
  17. Dellmassive

    Dellmassive’s "How I Done It" blogs.

    -- Dellmassive`s -- "How I Done It" -- thread -- ************************************************** Dellmassive`s -- "how I Done It" -- Thread ************************************************** Kit List And Stuff -- How I Done It & What I Use --...
  18. Loz

    VAS 5051 error codes

    00652 028C Ganguberwachung 00653 028D Plausibility selection lever / transmission 00654 028E Scale belt tensioner (driver's side) -N153 00655 028F Scale belt tensioner (passenger side) -N154 00656 0290 Seat occupancy sensor (passenger side) -G128 00657 0291 Servomotor for...
  19. Loz

    VAS 5051 error codes

    00609 0261 Zundausgang 1 00610 0262 Zundausgang 2 00611 0263 Zundausgang 3 00612 0264 Zundausgang 4 00613 0265 Zundausgang 5 00614 0266 Zundausgang 6 00615 0267 Zundausgang 7 00616 0268 Zundausgang 8 00617 0269 Timer for delay left airbag G104 00618 026A Timer for delay right...