Search results for query: dilution

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  1. S

    T6.1 Reduce oil level and Oil dilution

    The problem happens every 4 months so I’d need 3 oil changes a year at £200 plus an oil change and in between those I’ve have oil dilution and increased engine wear…sounds great for a £50k van There’s other issue like I’m going to Germany this summer for the football and will do 5000 miles but...
  2. Scottish Scrutineer

    DPF remap - MOT risks?

    It would be more likely that repeated failed regeneration would result in dilution of the oil.
  3. D

    Engine flush at service

    ...have their micron spec’ and anything smaller will pass through. Whether the smaller particles will significantly reduce engine life is debatable. IMO an oil analysis is far more useful, DPF de-generations will be causing fuel dilution and that definitely will reduce engine and turbocharger life.
  4. Texxaco

    Wash & Wax Time . . . . . . But Which One And How?

    Yeah I use this. Which I dilute as per the instructions in the bottle to 1-5 parts of water.
  5. D

    2017 T6 150 manual ticking noise

    @Ace has the vans oil level been increasing without adding oil? Valve gear wear doesn’t appear to be a common defect but if the oil were diluted with fuel reducing viscosity and film strength it could cause accelerated wear. Does the van have full service history?
  6. D

    A recurring oil issue on T6,1.

    2% dilution is a cautionary level, 4% is the potential lubrication failure level for Diesel engine lube oil analysis. While there have been significant improvements in synthetic oil properties I think the source of the ‘don’t worry‘ opinion is the motor manufacturers themselves. Let’s face it...
  7. D

    [Resolved] T6 Oil level too high

    You don’t, if you do oil analysis It’s on the report as a % £45 is about 20min’s labour in a garage as far as I’m aware.
  8. CAB

    Team Leisuredrive

    Before I realised it was ice blocking ours, and before I found the fuse, we just used a spray bottle of the diluted pink stuff.
  9. FerrisBFW

    Oil Analysis shows high levels of Iron

    VW BiTDI's are real fun ... I have an old 180 that is guzzling oil under load. New dpf fitted in the Spring and then the oil usage was obvious, egr blanked and mapped, compression is good all round. 2nd oil analysis next, now I have put a few k miles in. Mind you the rate I add oil sometimes...
  10. L

    T6.1 Reduce oil level and Oil dilution

    I would angree oil contaminated by fuel needs changing and in fact siphoning it off will only lead to wear rates increasing as the remaining oil/fuel mixture is contaminated further. The dealers that try that one are wither daft or great at making sure you come back to spend more on repairs -...
  11. D

    [Resolved] T6 Oil level too high

    ...regularly check the oil level and visual condition. Lights and bells are usually activated well after action should have been taken. It is possible to have fuel dilution and not have a raised oil level if the engine is consuming oil. Oil analysis is the only 100% guaranteed way to determine this.
  12. ChrisBell

    Toilet chemicals?? Noobie camper

    Tried cheap alternatives. For portaloo use the good old concentrated pink and blue... Bit pricey but don't need much. It's like going from quadruple strength dilute back to standard! For...
  13. Samro

    Underslung water tank

    How much bleach do you put in?
  14. mopardave

    Service Fluids and Additives

    ...between oil changes. I don't do short journeys and I always use V Power and Castrol Edge fully synthetic by the way. I've read about oil dilution and catch cans etc so I've just been thinking about things........especially since I had my manifold replaced (twice!). Any thoughts would be...
  15. D

    Dead turbo at 46k miles :-(

    ...oil, use a syringe and tube down the dipstick to avoid external contamination, probably the only data worth looking at is viscosity and fuel dilution. Don’t forget to get the sump removed, clean the oil pickup screen and purge the turbocharger oil drain line. I would assume that the repaired...
  16. jimc91

    [Resolved] T6 Oil level too high

    Does anyone know if a T6 has a 'too much oil' warning light? Assuming the regens are done in the same way is there a possibility that T6's are getting diluted oil but without a warning light it wouldn't flag it up to the driver? Off to check my oil level now :oops:
  17. D

    Wash & Wax Time . . . . . . But Which One And How?

    I'd suggest that you don't dilute it, I expect AG have worked out the right concentration of active ingredients.
  18. Bav

    Seeking non-VW advice

    You're referring to the cost of missed opportunity, which is definitely a thing. However, with savers having suffered a prolonged period of historically low returns, that concept has become very diluted and often overlooked. Hopefully it won't be forgotten now that interest rates are returning...
  19. D

    Anti roll bar dust cover missing.

    A split shouldn’t be a failure as far as I’m aware.
  20. D

    Oil level too high warning… AGAIN

    As @DaveD said plus engine power is lost in churning oil and there is a far greater risk of crankshaft oil seal failures which are already a weak point on the T6. More importantly if the oil level increase is down to fuel dilution it is destroying the engine and turbochargers.