Search results for query: H4 headlights

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  1. DreamingT6s

    Common issues to look for on test drive

    Thanks for the comprehensive reply. DMF is definitely now on my list and the Reimo noise is one I hadn't heard of so, thank you. From reading on the forum and looking at the van it looks to me like H4s unfortunately. I have first hand experience of these in driving Irish rain last year in the...
  2. Ads_Essex

    Common issues to look for on test drive

    Hello and welcome to the forum. Is it a private sale? With the conversion, you’ll naturally check it all works as it should. Otherwise see if the poptop is noisy - some members have complained the Reimo bed board can be squeaky when driving. See if it’s got habitation certificates, and evidence...
  3. Tanstalf

    Welsh Coast Camper owner

    Headlight upgrade had not made my list, focusing on things like a heater and radio upgrade. Given most of my driving will be in Scotland, I will have a serious look at this. How can you tell I have H4 lights, it is a 16-plate TRANSPORTER T28 S-LINE TDI BMT.
  4. bdnck

    Welsh Coast Camper owner

    Yes it's got stock H4 headlights unfortunately and 80% of my driving is in darkness. Thanks for the link, I'm currently looking at options for LED headlights, I keep adding THQ V3 to the basket but not pulled the trigger yet. From what I can tell it's only the DRL that are LED on them and I'd...
  5. kg1709

    Welsh Coast Camper owner

    Welcome and nice van. Have you H4 headlights? If so their poor quality is well-documented and many choose to upgrade them to H7 or LED. I went to LED and couldn't even give away the H4's! Have a look here: H4 To H7 Upgrade
  6. The Flying Scotsman

    Sold Free: H4 HEADLIGHTS

    There’s a free set of T6 H4’s going further down. Failing that pm me I’ve got a spare set
  7. campergeek

    Found T6 H4 Headlights, Bristol

    Upgraded to THQ V3s, so have a pair of 2017 H4 lights going spare. Great condition, includes bulbs. Free to anyone who can pickup from North Bristol.
  8. C

    Found H7 headlights

    Hi, Chucked in sub to support forum and try and use extensive knowledge to purchase a pair of OEM H7 for 2016 t6. H4’s are unsatisfactory. Can’t spring for none MOT compliant THQ etc. Have been looking on gumtree/ FB/ eBay. Not sure how to put this in appropriate section if mod needs to...
  9. Bigsidavies

    H4 DRL Bulb upgrade

    What are the chances of both bulbs failing at the same time? I’d be looking somewhere else first. Wiring/fuses etc. I’ve had those Twenty 20 fitted for quite a while no issues and I know a few other people on here use them also. No one has previously mentioned a failure as far as I’m aware.
  10. Droneshadow

    H4 DRL Bulb upgrade

    Bumped my old H4 headlights a month ago, in favour of the H7s. Fitted Twenty20 DRL’s and it seems both have failed. Looks like I’ve now got to take the lights out again to replace them. Can anyone recommend some quality LEDs, that will last at least a bit longer. Such a pain this time of year to...
  11. ginkster

    Which headlights do I have?

    As mentioned they are H4. You are correct on the potential MOT compliant options plus a full OEM LED upgrade (£££££!). I went the H7 route and am very happy with the performance, both dipped and main are much better than the H4. The lights are somewhat hard to come by and normally go for about...
  12. D

    H4 Headlamp Bulb Upgrade

    There are MOT compliant H4 halogen lamps that will provide a very small improvement but in my experience, to get a significant improvement you'll have to change your headlights for H7 or proper LED units. There are many pages of content on this forum about both options.
  13. R

    H4 Headlamp Bulb Upgrade

    Can anyone recommend a headlight bulb upgrade on my 2019 kombi with H4 headlamps. Got to be brighter than original factory fitted bulbs.They must also be road legal to pass mot and don’t throw up any errors on dash. Thank you all.
  14. C

    Which headlights do I have?

    So, can someone confirm these are h4 headlights? If so, I understand MOT ‘okay’ upgrade options are: -Caravelle H7 Versus THQ as an eg V3 as a plug and play option. (Bumper off pre fit etc). Am I correct? What is the likely cost of sourcing if self fit? Have to do something about these...
  15. M

    FREE H4 headlights, North Yorks.

    I have a set of H4 headlights that are free to a good home. Richmond, North Yorkshire. DM for pics and details
  16. ginkster

    What Have You Bought, But Not Yet Fitted or Used?

    Could you do a before and after video to show the difference in performance?
  17. Pete C

    What Have You Bought, But Not Yet Fitted or Used?

    I have a set of H7 headlights in the shed. Been there for the best part of 2 years I think. I really must get round to swapping out the H4’s. Pete
  18. L

    T6 Bulbs & Lamps

    I have the Philips GT200 as an upgrade H4 bulb and it’s good enough for me. I sold a Citroen Xantia back in the day just because the headlights were so bad - that’s how fussy I am. You can buy Philips LED upgrades now but despite them lobbying for years they still aren’t classed as road legal...
  19. Drive Wayne

    Screenwash fault? Warning light when full?

    Got to be better than the H4's!
  20. Albel

    New headlights, fog lights, bumper and bonnet DRLs fitted.

    Tell me more about the under bonnet DRL light please part and how to fit I like that ?