Search results for query: Drivelodge

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  1. Dave A

    Is this Campervan worth the advertised price?

    Newer van. My Highline is still on the original 16" wheels which are fine for the rough and pot holed roads I drive on, plus in the Yorkshire Dales much of the tarmac on the edge of the narrow roads is broken away and can damage wheels and tyres in a second. I'm careful with the wheels but I'd...
  2. N

    Which Pop-Top?

    thanks for the pics and prices, looks better with the bi fold bed, will definitely look into them as I need a low roof below 2 mtrs for daily use
  3. D

    Solar charging fault issue

    ...been working along the lines of: Changing the panel from semi rigid to a higher output rigid mounted on a roof rack compatible with my Drivelodge roof (this will be the second panel I’ve had fail and when they’re bonded to the roof it’s a massive pain) I had hoped to leave the CTEK in but if...