Search results for query: midge

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  1. Andyham105

    Fly net for sliding door recommendations? order with her, always nice to know there built to order from a local business in the UK too. For those interested I have gone for a midge net rather than mosquito one to help stop both mosquitos and midges. Have 2 zips so can be fully open without getting in the way or down to stop the...
  2. J

    Jerba Pop Top - Bed Weight

    ...I am planning a T6.1 conversion in a few months and I am heavily considering the Jerba pop top roof (mainly due to living in Scotland and midges being a major concern!). My only concern is that we would intend on using the bed section in the pop-top, which is apparently only rated for 150kg...
  3. Ricardo T

    Norway Summer 2024

    ...for showers etc. The free motorway toilets in Germany are pretty awful but surprisingly the paid loos are quite good ( 60p) and all contactless, if you get my drift! The only place we encountered midges was Pulpit Rock, so take some repellent. Be sure to post plenty of pics. Safe driving...
  4. hoggle

    Sliding door flyscreen

    I also purchased a Midgie screen for the sliding windows, a great bit of kit. It's good to leave it open at night for more ventilation.
  5. ginkster

    Your longest trip away

    They used to be even cheaper! Lovely 4/5 double bed, detached stone Victorian house with big garden for under £100k in Moray. Then people started buying from down south and the prices rocketed and a few years later the same house was £450k. Still better value than many areas of England though!
  6. Frigodedo

    Camper King Sliding Window Vent

    Thank you for your reply !!! Maybe I didn´t explain myself as good as I thought.....sorry ! I´m searching not only an insects cover. The main reason is to ventilate the van by day an night and also could leave the dog in just some explicit moments if we need to leave. Like this : VW T5/T6 &...
  7. J

    Northwest Meet

    That's the best place for them. Splattered and unable to bite anyone!!!
  8. C

    Front window mosquito nets

    Hey, can anyone recommend a set of simple windows nets for the front windows of the T6? We occasionally sleep in our (non camper) T6 and leave the front windows open to allow ventilation. Works well but leaves us at the mercy of midges etc. Cheers, Cuiken
  9. TallPaul_S

    Your longest trip away

    And no Midges! :rofl: As you say, decent quality of life but still within reasonable reach of civilization. Oh and house prices... compared to down here in the SE. Don't get me started on what 300k gets you here vs there!!! :rofl::mad:
  10. I

    Scottish Midges

    Another vote for smidge - we’ve even used it successfully as a mozzie repellent. One year on holiday abroad we met with a couple who were suffering badly with mosquito bites, we gave them some smidge to try and no new bites. It’s trial and error though as what works for one doesn’t necessarily...
  11. True Romance

    What Have You Bought Today?

    Let us know how you get on with those.
  12. LakelandStu

    Where Have You Been In Your Van Today?

    Just back from two beautiful days at Loch Fyne... Probably last trip in that direction this year.... The midges were out in force from about 8pm, and nibbling from 5pm... Be warned :)
  13. Ricardo T

    Norway '24. could potentially be 'nice' but who knows these days and we are going prepared for the worst. Black out blinds fitted and eye masks are packed. Midge spray, tick! Applied for a German Emmisions sticker for the route through the Ruhrgebeit Enviromental Zone which covers Essen/Dortmund...
  14. n10n

    Where Have You Been In Your Van Today?

    Parked up at a cozy little compartment in Sodankylä Finland tonight as an impostor pretending to be a real motor home. Domestic travelling for me but still pretty far up north. Nice 24C at 9pm and to my great surprise, no midges at all!
  15. Tanstalf

    Where Have You Been In Your Van Today?

    Like the look of the midge net. Where did you get it?
  16. Drive Wayne

    Where Have You Been In Your Van Today?

    ...stuck. No chance of getting past. A change of plans and we did the Old Man of Storr hike. The weather was pleasant and for the first time the midges came out to play, and those horrible black fly things. The weather this morning is atrocious, high winds, pouring rain. Off to the Fort William...
  17. Drive Wayne


    The midges could well be on best behaviour in October having had a summer of exhausting annoyance of pleasure seekers! Spend more time on the West, and try and do Skye for a day at least! Get some Avon skin so soft just in case!
  18. S

    Wild camping - All you need to know.

    There’s a big difference between ‘you’ and ‘you and your T6’. It’s an offence under the road traffic act section 34 to drive a motor vehicle on land of any description ( not forming part of a road). this includes Scotland. You can drive within 15yards of a road to park ( but this doesn’t give...
  19. Bargy62

    Where Have You Been In Your Van Today?

    @Ali-G whats the midge situation at this time of year when its not raining thanks
  20. dcpen43

    Sliding door flyscreen

    @Stuka have followed your lead and fitted the Amazon insect screen. It's a fine mesh so it should afford some midge protection and was easy to fit, almost made to measure. The top velcro is good but I have added press studs on the sides as the velcro adhesive there is a bit weak.