Search results for query: THQ T6.1 lights

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  1. andy greenwood

    Reverse Camera and LED Tail Light conflict

    Hi , today I have fit my new THQ rear lights, they are the T6.1 style LED's and have just been released this week. I have exactly the same problem , camera works fine with ignition on but engine not running but when i turn the ignition on & put the reverse, the relay goes crazy !!
  2. D

    TransporterHQ (THQ) Aftermarket Headlights

    Really? Oh no maybe there’s something wrong with my kit or installation. I went with a local Australian supplier for something that looks like the ones you use. they flicker briefly when the van‘s engine starts up again at the lights. i did a bit more reading about why I’m getting a shadow...
  3. t6blo

    T6 Startline to Highline Upgrade Path

    A non-genuine switch from China lol - or THQ, Vanstyle, eBay etc...
  4. Dav-Tec

    Dav-Tec -Who we are & what we do!

    Evening ya'll. Sorry for any delays in getting back to any of you. The workshop is mental at the mo. We've got air ride jobs in, audio installs of all sizes and dash/door card retrims in. It's crazy! Anyhoo, just a quicjie to say looking forward to seeing you all at the spring meet. Last off...
  5. D

    T6.1 Aftermarket Headlight choices

    How is the beam pattern? Any photos you can share?
  6. D

    T6.1 Aftermarket Headlight choices

    I’d also be keen to know if anyone tried these bulbs in the standard T6.1 H7 headlights
  7. Robert

    Reverse Camera and LED Tail Light conflict
  8. B

    T6.1 Aftermarket Headlight choices

    Hi James, Any chance you can post links to the ones you used? Also, a quick synopsis of how to change them? Thanks in advance. BigDean.
  9. Petro

    LED H11 Bulbs (front fogs)

    Thanks! Are you using them as cornering lights? Says on the website they don't support cornering lighting.
  10. Gringo73

    TransporterHQ (THQ) Aftermarket Headlights a happy ending
  11. Howzat

    T6.1 LED tail-light retrofit from Halogen

    I'm looking to retrofit OEM and I can find the tailgate versions easy enough...... .....but no barn door version. So is it true you can't only have 6.1 OEM LED's on a tailgate van? If so, I wonder why? I see THQ do an aftermarket version for a barn door but these don't bend around the side...
  12. david173

    Reverse Camera and LED Tail Light conflict

    I had this same issue, the lights are fine its just the standard relay doesnt like it. Try this relay, worked perfect for me now!
  13. A

    TransporterHQ (THQ) Aftermarket Headlights

    Yes I knew that, but the new layout is completely different so I had tried both ways just in case they'd changed it. However, I've solved it! I disabled all lamp diagnostics out of desperation and the problem went away, seperately added all the other light warnings back one at a time, until I...
  14. T6ChrisO

    Just another AA Self Build.........

    Price - £28,000 - AVAILABLE IN 2 WEEKS TIME As I'm upgrading to a T6.1, I have the upcoming sale my recent ex-AA camper build. 12 months MOT Freshly serviced 145k miles (runs perfectly) Belts changed January 2022 Full service history from its AA days Startline but has Air-Conditioning...
  15. D

    T6.1 Aftermarket Headlight choices

    In an act of desperation I got a pair of the "V8 Flip Chip" H15 bulbs from Xenon Bulbs, because they reckon they 'have the strongest canbus". (I wish the industry didn't talk such rubbish. Bulbs don't "have...
  16. Bav

    Hello all. This is going to be a Buy/Sell/Conversion post

    Hi Barry, welcome to the forum. My advice is to post a series of Wanted and For Sale ads for each individual item, each with a meaningful title. You're likely to get more traction that way. :thumbsup:
  17. John A

    AT6 OYEH! Reflex Silver T6 SWB Kombi with added ABT

    Now then I’ve lurked for a while as Facebook groups have generally taken over forum activity, but thought I’d start a thread on the van, as I expect it will go through some small, continued transformations…. We bought our 2016 SWB Highline Kombi in March last year when then littlest one came...
  18. Jlo

    Sold Transporter HQ VW T6 LED DRL V3 Headlights – LIMITED EDITION All Black

    I bought these last month when they briefly came into stock when i thought i was getting a T6... Turns out i'm getting a T6.1 and the van i'm getting has factory LEDs. Never been used, not even been out the THQ box! (As seen here: Transporter HQ ) Can send pictures if required. Comes with 2 x...
  19. Jlo

    Hello there from Devon

    Well... I was let down by my conversion company :mad: (I wont name them right now but looks like i had a lucky escape anyway) Definitely a story to be had out of that experience! Anyway.. after having a complete stress about everything this week i pulled myself together today and got phoning...
  20. F

    Hello all. This is going to be a Buy/Sell/Conversion post

    Hello to everyone, I have been watching the forum a lot over the last half a year to which i finally made an account a couple of months back. I've now paid for the membership as i believe the information on here alone is worth tenfold that. I just want to start by saying what an amazing team...