This is a sad sad day. My marriage is over and now I need to sell my beloved T6 Camper and hire business.
Its been making great money and still will for the next few months, then next year. But I am out of options financially and have no option but to move out. I invested everything of mine in...
One of the Andys asked for more pics of our new van, and I wanted to post some pictures for reference and for others considering a rear kitchen campervan layout. Thanks to the excellent community here, the T6forum is always near the top of the Google rankings, and so I thought this might be...
Looking at this from a business rather than Engineering perspective:
In my experience an unprotected wet cell battery rarely lasts more than 12-24 mths in any type of van due to abuse (deep cycling), incorrect charging etc.
An AGM battery is now in a similar price bracket to a standard wet...
As all T6s have smart alternators now you have to use a battery to battery charger to allow charging from the starter battery, something like the Ctek D250S or the Ring DC30
To charge from mains hookup you will need an external mains input plug to feed 240V to a battery charger onto the 2nd...
A great list and a lot to look through.... so a more detailed answer for later...
But just for now I think you are going to need a second additional 110Ah leisure battery if you want to run that 12v fridge plus more extras for longer than 1 day on just battery power alone...
Edit: more info...
Loz - you must have got up earlier than me - and saved me the trouble of setting up the science lab bit. But I think Travelvolt has looked back at the thread anyways and has seen the light.
The written word can be more misleading sometimes than the spoken word hence why we all get a wee bit...
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No we didn't. I don't push products or services that I don't feel are worth it no matter how much extra profit we could...
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