Search results for query: delete

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  1. T

    Adblue delete

    Just a query for anyone who has deleted adblue. Does it still register on the mfd (zero miles, not there any longer etc)?
  2. Alexzeat

    Is safe delete DPF and Adblue?

    Hi Guys im thing to reprog and delete the DPF and the adblue, someone did it? it is safe? Im a bit worry about if in the future have problems with the DPF it is very expensivo to fix Thanks you
  3. D

    Delete account?

    Hi team, Can someone please point me to how to delete my T6forum account? Thanks,
  4. J

    EGR Delete or just disable? Cardiff just replace the cooler however a garage informed me that the EGR would not need blanking off if the valve was still working. The cost to delete is not far front he cost of a new cooler as I can do that myself What would you do. And do you know anyone in cardiff who could delete it? Thanks
  5. temporarysecretary

    The definitive remapped/deleted thread.

    I thought it would be a good idea to collate some info from owners that have remapped vans and/or deleted components like EGR, DPF etc. There is lots of info that pops up on I individual threads and I think we need a place to talk first hand info from owners to help others that are thinking...
  6. D

    EGR Issue - Delete the right way forward? blocked or the value is faulty? Hefty quote for the mechanic. Wondering if I need to bother to replace the EGR or I can just go ahead and get a software delete done? Or would having a issue with the EGR along with a delete still cause an issue? Sorry, a bit of a novice with the technicals.
  7. Deansie

    Engine cleaning after EGR-delete

    I’ve performed an EGR delete on my T6 with the CXEB engine by removing the pipe between the EGR cooler and the exhaust manifold, plugging the holes, and reprogramming the ECU to disable the EGR function. The van has run approximately 235,000 km, and since it consumes a significant amount of oil...
  8. F

    DPF deleted, how to remove filter?

    Hi, New to the forum. I own a T6 2019 . I’ve had a egr, add blue and dpf delete with a remap. I have been told that I need to get the dpf drilled with a few holes not a complete removal of the whole filter inside. Can you remove the dpf from the vehicle without having to cut it off? Thanks in...
  9. Bigdazd

    Darkside Developments and EGR removal/blanking

    ...Explained the situation and my van (2017 T6, 102 although mapped by Pendle in 2019) this is their response: Here is a link to the EGR delete for your car: VW Transporter T6 2.0 TDI EGR and Cooler Delete Kit - £175+ VAT...
  10. W

    Rear adjuster delete with Bilsteins

    ...currently wound about 2/3 of the way down. Before I buy replacement and wind them further down, does anyone have any pictures of B14’s on a kombi with the adjusters removed and Powerflex adjuster deletes fitted? The back of my van is empty 99% of the time so the Powerflex deletes may be ideal.
  11. Anakin

    Fault Code Reader

    Post in thread 'EGR Delete' EGR Delete
  12. C

    EGR delete and ECU update in Scotland

    I'm considering an EGR delete and having the ECU mapped to forget it has an EGR. Does anyone know of a garage that could sort this out anywhere in Scotland? Ta.
  13. Stu007

    Adblue range blank - No warnings

    Sorry new to the whole adblue thing.. so you can perm delete the adblue stage in the engine or just delates the readout on the screen? Whats the advantage of a delete? assume makes emissions worse but runs better if a delete off the engine?
  14. jackieToo

    Deleting old stored phones that have been paired to the van

    Hi, does anyone know how to delete the old paired phones on my mobile phone interface? I currently have about 8-10 old phones that have been paired (all bar mine are from the previous owner) I tried to delete them but got stuck when the system asked to connect to that phone to confirm the...
  15. Ali-G

    Essential Mods

    EGR delete.
  16. H

    Engine and DSG Remap plus adblue delete and EGR advice wanted

    ...and waiting on the outcome. In preparation for a less than positive solution for me I am considering my next options including an Adblue delete I have spoken to Chris at Dav-Tec who was very generous with his time and advice so I will likely go down that route but ideally would like the...
  17. T

    The definitive remapped/deleted thread.

    When my egr was deleted, I eventually started to get adblue censor faults and the dreaded countdown. I have read the adblue system can’t cope with the additional nox causing the eventual faults Question; can egr and adblue be deleted while keeping the dpf in place?
  18. X

    Sold 2019 T32 LWB 102PS Shuttle SE, 9 Seats. £24,950

    NOTE TO ADMINS - please delete this thread
  19. D

    Delete account?

    Can one of the mods confirm that when the account is deleted all data is also deleted from the hosting servers?
  20. Sackmycook

    New Van day tomorrow
