Search results for query: Ad blue

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  1. L

    Engine Management Light - P20EE/31103 What to Do??

    ...control on my last trip). So.. short journeys kill a DPF but proper use of a diesel vehicle, long journeys is killing something else?! The Ad Blue is showing 3500 miles, 1-1.25Ga between min/max. It only dropped 1500 mile range with the last 3000 miles worth of journeys.. blocked Ad Blue...
  2. A

    Diesel Leak?

    Hi Everyone, This morning I came out to use my van and noticed a diesel leak (I think) from the passenger side near the ad blue tank/diesel tank. Upon investigation underneath I spotted what appears to be a small gauge plastic blue pipe that has detached from a clamp on a wider rubber pipe (Pic...
  3. timthetinyhorse

    The usual - EML & AdBlu

    See my thread here 650 countdown issues , very similar issues that I never got to the bottom of and only ever occurs on long trips....think its something to do with the 31102 you have above indicating an emissions issue and it takes a long journey to log the fault. Its bothers me at the time and...
  4. C

    Parasitic draw from AdBlue heater

    Hi everyone, I have a parasitic draw on my T6 battery. Now found the fuse causing the draw c43 looking to be the ad blue heater? Can anyone help with this? Since I unplugged this fuse the draw on the battery has completely gone down. Any advice would be great please. Thank you
  5. N

    What Have You Done To Your Van Today?

    I did this for the arm removal Worked well on the T6 although drivers side was a little tight. As above front wheel arches were easy. Hardest part was the one plastic trim clip which broke but I had some spares.
  6. Fozzer

    I must have a huge Ad-Blue Tank

  7. Salty Spuds

    Adblue Range Is Increasing ?

    Driving style affects the ad blue range just as much as it does the diesel range. The "Range" is a prediction, best guess, call it what you like, based on historical driving. For example, If I tow my boat to the coast, the range will drop rapidly, if I unhitch the boat at the campsite & go for...
  8. Texxaco

    - 204ps Bi-Turbo CXEB T6 Engine & Turbo problems -

    You took it to Rolls Royce, did you take a wrong turn somewhere!
  9. K

    Chewed wire loom and ad blue pipe

    I can understand your dismay. I too have the occasional problem with rodents. Mostly they tend to sit and eat their spoils on top of the starter battery. Perhaps even nestle down in its duvet like comfort. I had wondered what the potential might be for serious damage but so far so good. I...
  10. P

    Acquiring a camper - Eu5 5spd or Eu6 6spd??

    Does ad blue have to be added and what generally are the problems with it?
  11. J

    VW T6 multiple electrical issues

    Hi all, Just to update on the issue, from another thread with the same issues the vacuum solenoid in front of the ad blue tank had melted! Thankfully the fuse did its job and the plug part was all fine. New valve fitted today and problem sorted, which was loads of fun on a gravel driveway!
  12. Salty Spuds

    AdBlue Discussion and Issues

    We’ve filled up in Spain & Portugal before, Ad-blue is cheaper there & widely available at the pump.
  13. Dellmassive

    Bad acidic smell in the cab

    - EEK , , , assuming you have the engine ECU mapped for this.? and that you are only using the van on private land and not on any UK public roads.? +++++ are you sure your DPF is not going into meltdown?
  14. scrimshank

    P20EE fault code rectification

    ...owning the van, both times P20 EE which reset and cleared. The van hasn't been run in the last 6 months prior to sale to I think it may be ad blue crystallisation. I'm not sure whether to roll back the remap and or update the ECU software to see if that works. In the meantime I'm going...
  15. Skyliner33

    Eberspacher start up cause LEDs to flicker

    I'm in the process of fitting a cheap strip of RGBWW LEDS with a cheap controller. I have 2 of these in the tailgate I didnt think about testing these yet.
  16. F

    Engine codes and DPF.

    I have a similar problem with my T6 2018 ad blue P226D00 I don't know what to do
  17. StanVan

    I don’t know what I don’t know

    ...designed for, which includes all the diesel Euro6 add ons that occupy so much of the chemical and mechanical chat on this forum… issues with Ad Blue, EGR valves, DPF, sensors galore etc. Also go for a high line with sub 70,000 miles if you can? There are some great converters out there that...
  18. X

    Anyone near Bamburgh Castle? I Need help!

    If your continuing north to bonnie scotland i can sort you out with diagnostic services . Chances are it will be a nox sensors or some sort of emmisisions issue. Usually what we find on the t6 if it hasn't had the vw remapp for ad blue
  19. roadtripper

    Help on charging my leisure battery from mains hook up?

    Welcome to the forum :thumbsup: Just to add if you are on EHU you don't really want a trickle charger as you will be using the battery and ideally your charger should mostly keep up with that consumption, but you don't really need a huge bulk charger either. As I track a few things on Amazon...
  20. Ric1962

    AdBlue Discussion and Issues

    ...a few pages on this thread, Im still a bit unsure. Im hoping to drive down to southern Spain next month for a couple of weeks. My current Ad Blue reading tells me I will have to top up in 3000 miles. Now, given that just heading down there and turning straight back is a round trip of nearly...