Search results for query: Ad blue

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  1. T6NOMAD

    Lets see your 12V Electric (Victron) setups

    Thanks for the suggestions. the reason why I went for a 100/50 is because I want the option of adding another 2 x 200W portable panels if needed when going off grid, away from shore power for 2 - 3 weeks plus. I like the Multiplus, but opted not to go that route because the inverter will...
  2. Hamster67

    Re occuring coolant light

    ...rung VW for advice on recalls etc, because I assume he can see this being pricey ( no reply of course) I've only had the van for 18 months, had two full services, timing belt change at 70k / 4 year old. I add ad blue but never coolant. ( I was asked if I might have put ad blue in coolant tank)
  3. Ayjay

    AdBlue not registering

    ...(possibly even the great majority?), it’s got sweet FA to do with people getting it wrong. It’s just that VW got it very wrong when they designed and implemented the ad blue system and, as usual for them in such matters, they take their customers for mugs and do nothing whatsoever to resolve it.
  4. Mattw90

    Not seen a DPF regen in 8 months of ownership?

    Thanks a lot for the replies guys. It’s a non ad blue so I assume euro 5 and that’s the reason I’m not seeing it. Just pricing up a remap for it and options are around $1300 for egr delete (I think this is just remapped out of the system) and approx $2500 for remap, egr and dpf delete with the...
  5. Bav

    AdBlue not registering

  6. dubber36

    What Have You Bought Today?

    Pretty sure Ad-Blue is Ad-Blue. I always buy the cheapest.
  7. Salty Spuds

    Vans running bad !

    When you deleted the DPF, did you physically remove the guts of the DPF or just delete it in the software?
  8. jimc91

    AdBlue Discussion and Issues

    Whatever you do, if you get this again, don’t pour loads of adblue into the tank, overfilling it is not a good idea, it should reset itself at some point
  9. Drive Wayne

    AdBlue Discussion and Issues

    Bit like me, slow to wake up in the morning. Many a story of that 650 mile warning on here. I wouldn't worry too much now...
  10. TheGrapeEscape

    What Have You Bought Today?

    B&Q £11 for 10L Screwfix £19.99 10L
  11. Dellmassive

    AdBlue - which brand are you using?

    thats well good. . . the closest i can find it this one. ( in the UK)
  12. Epic-Rob

    Practically over weight :-(

    Yes all LVV - poptop, RR bed, Swivel seat base etc, blue stickered till next june which may be extended so will worry about green then.
  13. Paynewright

    AdBlue Discussion and Issues

    ...the plastic surround of the filler cap. Always thought it would be good for the fuel cap rather than trying to slot the two notches over the edge at the top. Discovered what the taper hole is for yesterday - the Ad Blue cap!! I’d just been putting it on the ground (carefully to keep it clean!)
  14. B

    AdBlue not registering

  15. Paynewright

    Single most useful thing

    Wouldn’t you be better with a funnel and bit of tubing exiting under the van somewhere or plumbed into the ad-blue tank?
  16. C

    Newbie from Brighton

    Mine is a 2016 T6 without adblue, Vw guy who does the service applauds the euro5 engine over the later one (with adblue) don’t know if anything in that helps, but I don’t do any ULEZ driving currently (although perhaps a problem in future)
  17. Salty Spuds

    AdBlue not registering

    Here you go
  18. mmi

    Ad-Blue - 650 mile countdown comes and then goes off

    There should be a fault code stored about this. What's the engine code and what model year the van is? Have you checked piping from AdBlue unit to the injector for leaks?
  19. Drive Wayne

    AdBlue Discussion and Issues

    My early 6.1 (2020) has about the same as yours G, the later 6.1's have 20 odd thousand range on a full tank of Ad Blue, don't overfill/brim it, be guided by the guidance on the display!
  20. Bav

    Is safe delete DPF and Adblue?

    I think the issue with all the emissions gubbins is that legislation pushed ahead without any regard for the time scales required to design and develop a viable engineering solution, so the manufacturers just cobbled something together to tide then over until ICE was killed off. BTW, I believe...