Welcome along.
I think most flatpack units are quite similar in terms of quality. I opted for Buffalo board when buying my U-shape layout from Van Furniture. Quality seemed OK but instructions are a bit rubbish and customer service could be improved
The proper way to do it, is to fit a leisure battery.
A cheap AGM plus split charge relay will work. Or upgrade to a lithium with dc-dc and be done with it.... That's the best option.
Running off the EF D2 reliably is a problem as the 12v output is regulated 12v@8A and will cause you issues on...
I’m interested in this but I’m way too far away to collect. I guess it packs flat so if you could pack it up and I arrange a courier would that work for you?
I've been testing a PWM motor controller to replace my resistor pack and I'm pretty bloody happy with it. So much more efficient! Now I just have to figure out where to stick it. I gets quite hot running flat stick (not on low like the resistor solution), so I was thinking of trying to fit it in...
best get yourself a jump-pack, for when you do run your battery flat - which you will do.
have a look here:
FYI you can extend your run time by having a leisure battery fitted and using that to power your kit.
I love having the 130cm bed.
Evo have a range, @Lostineurope2 has used.
Yes it can be done, but it is tight.
But this was done with ourselves building the units from scratch so we could tweak the depth accordingly.
If buying a flat-packed units then adjustments will be needed. But I'm not sure if anyone offers a flat-pack kit for a twin side loader ( you have just...
Been to Ikea for some flatpack for home and picked up these bits for the van.
Couple of tumblers, some cooking utensils and a funnel
The funnel seems random but when we hired a van (before we got our own) we made mulled wine in a saucepan and a funnel would have helped reduce some of the...
Their curved cabinetry was just one of the styles they built (and I do mean built - they didn't buy-in flat-pack crap like a lot of converters do) and their build quality was head & shoulders better than most on the market. So, I guess you pays your money and choose your definition of what...
So flat battery this morning. Dash lights OK, and the remote unlock worked OK, but dim lights when the key was turned and the battery monitor was reading 11.15v. Its a 2018 van and the original battery was replaced under warranty within the 1st year (with another Moll that I suspect they got out...
The boost / jump packs would normally be connected to a vehicle just to jump start a flat battery.
That would imply that a EHU charger wouldn't be connected....?
I run two NOCOs jusmp packs... And have had 5 over the years... SOld on the others.
Not had any fail, apart from the GB150 that I cooked when I left it in the tent on a super hot summers weekend and the cells swelled and split the case
... Totally my fault... It was probably 50degc inside that...
Wouldn’t it be better to keep the battery topped up rather than it possibly getting damaged by letting it get so flat it needs a jump? Not sure what voltage the van won’t start at.
My roof isn't flat, it's a Reimo easyfit, slightly curved, I had to pack the ends of the mounting brackets on plastic shims & then bed the brackets on mastic.
Depending on how handy you are, you could cut out the base of the mounting brackets to accommodate the ridges, there's plenty of meat in...
Yes that could work- it's heavy ( solid) it could be worth getting a quote from a courier I guess its sort of pallet sized. The original company's website may have the weight?
Hi All,
What type of paint is on the reflex silver T6? Is it base coat and lacquer or is it just 2 pack? Reason i ask is i have purchased a couple of new back doors which are not as good as the pictures showed and will need some work, i am just wondering if i can flat them off and polish up or...
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