Search results for query: cambridge conversions

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  1. DarrenTT

    DVLA - insurance rules.. head spinning

    I went through the same process, my insurance company asked which company carried out the conversion. They were familiar with the conversion company and were happy to insure as Campervan. After 6 months I received the V5 in my name, the conversion company had sent the conversion pics etc to dvla...
  2. radfraz

    Adaptive Cruise Control - Settings?

    Hi Stuart, how are you finding the controls on the 6.1? I have a '72 plate VW Arteon and I'm struggling with all the overly intrusive driver aids. I've not really addressed the problem as yet, admittedly. I'm hoping I can setup a driver profile that will completely switch off lane guidance. As...
  3. S

    Adaptive Cruise Control - Settings?

    Advice please. When I set the ACC up it works fairly well, can't say I totally trust it, but it works. Comes up behind another vehicle and slows to match the speed. Job done. My only issue is what you might call the undercut. If I filter to the left to leave at a junction for example, if there...
  4. S

    Team Pure Grey

    20” standard It’s straight from conversation Cambridge campers
  5. Saint Paul

    Help request - conversion co. say no need for solar panel.

    We are picking up our new conversion from Cambridge campervans next Saturday so very excited! We have opted for the solar panel even though we will go wild rarely. I feel it provides the extra power insurance others have described. We went with Ctek dc-dc charger.
  6. GUMY

    Which van should I buy? Value vs Premium

    Mmm...maybe it was too good to be true, because the advert seems to have been removed today! But my point remains the same - take your time, there will be others. Is a 6 speed 'box on the "must have", or "would be nice" list? If the former, that's also going to narrow your search significantly...
  7. I

    Conversion companies - South-East

    Thank you Dave, that’s a very useful link.
  8. Saint Paul

    Team Bayleaf Green

    Enjoy! My new bay leaf green van is being delivered at the end of may and I have a conversion slot with Cambridge campervans in July. Please send pics when you get it!!
  9. W

    Team Bayleaf Green

    Was done by Cambridge Campervans. Very pleased with the van and the service from them.
  10. R

    Hello from another new potential T6 owner..

    I've also seen this online from a reputable company: Cambridge Campervans £13.6K for a full conversion seems cheap compared to other quotes. Unrealistic?
  11. JetSetWilly

    Needingworth Or Cambridge Campers?

    I visited both and found Cambridge campers by far the most friendly and helpful. Although both outsource their conversions, I think there is more choice with Cambridge as they use different converter's. In the end I went with Knights custom conversions as I preferred an individual conversion...
  12. Salty Spuds

    Adaptive Cruise Control - Settings?

    Do you indicate when filtering left? Not sure about filtering left, but if I put my indicator on to overtake the car in front, the ACC will accelerate in anticipation, assuming it’s clear in the overtaking lane.
  13. DarrenTT

    Team Starlight Blue

    I think it’s camper King conversions, but I’ll ask the question when I talk to them next. Really pleased with conversions I’ve seen on the forecourts.
  14. K

    The only CB Radio fitted in a T6? Any "Rubber Ducks" got your ears on out there?

    Tuning an antenna length in order to match a frequency range. This is to improve performance for transmission and receive but more importantly to reduce feedback and heat build up in componentry. Most antennas are sold and bought to connect to specific radio frequencies. Many of these have...
  15. Seamgy

    Team Starlight Blue

    They also seem to use campervanz in Worksop and another one local to Cambridge who's name escapes me at the moment. But yes we are happy with the conversions we've seen from them.
  16. F

    Conversion companies - South-East

    Hi, Looking for any recommendations for converters in NW Essex / Cambridge area. I have seen a similar post where Cambridge Campervans was recommended. I have email them and they only do full conversions. I am looking to do the following: - remove the fixed triple bench (rear) and fitting a...
  17. Saint Paul

    A new recruit

    Hi all, just to let you know i have just signed up. We are expecting a brand new 6.1 Bayleaf Green with tailgate in June and the conversion is booked with Cambridge Campervans for July (Subject to VW delivery of course). Its our first camper but i have big plans!! I am also an Alfa Romeo nut (20...
  18. DarrenTT

    Conversion companies - eastern England

    Due to covid Cambridge Campervans were closed to the public. Give them a ring and I’m sure they will get back to you. I’ve had mine from them since Oct and nothing but praise for them.
  19. S

    Any deals to be had

    Thanks all. I need to get something otherwise it might be a fiat Seriously, sold the house a while ago and I'm quickly eating the money away. I had hoped to have a 6m conversion but no chance until 2023 and car written off last week so park bench is a possibility Only me so I can live with...