Search results for query: bike racks

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  1. H

    T6 trailer lights not working. Where's the fuse?

    So ended up fitting new plug with no luck! May be a stupid question but should the van pick up the bike rack automatically? Or should I tell it that a bike rack is on It. First time using this Is there any switches or anything that I need to do in the van once the bike rack is on? I know it...
  2. Merryman

    For Sale Fiamma 3 Tailgate Bike-rack

    FIAMMA 3 cycle folding full length bike rack for a T5, obviously used but in good nick for £50. I upgraded the gas struts re the extra weight, if you want to swap yours for these heavy duty, that would be grand. Too heavy for a 75 year old codger. :think smile bounce: Collect from NR95AT...
  3. peter1987t

    Thule VeloSpace XT 3 Or Atera STRADA DL 3 - bike rack

    Found them Post in thread 'Towbar bike rack that allows tailgate to open fully' Towbar bike rack that allows tailgate to open fully Thanks a lot! Ill look into it. Do you know if this also...
  4. t6blo

    For Sale Maypole Universal 2 Bike Cycle Rack Carrier Rear Tailgate Boot Mounted

    BC2060 2 Bike Rear Mounted Bike Carrier. Carries up to two bikes (total 30kg). Fits most: saloons, hatchbacks, vans, estates and coupes BC2060 2 Bike Rear Mounted Bike Carrier Rear mounted 2 bike cycle carrier carries up to two bikes (total 30kg) 6 fixing straps give stability and security when...
  5. JOG

    For Sale VW Tailgate V1 Bike-Rack (4 carrier) in Black. £375

    GLWS - it’s a pity the locking bars are missing. There are three that attach to the rack and a fourth one that locks the last bike to a locked bike. I’d be tempted otherwise. I presume this is the T6 variant as they are different from the T5
  6. JB_T6

    No central locking

    I didn’t do any conversion so far. Only kitchen and bike rack. I sleep in the roof tent. ;)
  7. E

    Sold Fiamma Rear Awning

    Hi Deandubya. I've agreed a sale on the awning today, but to answer you question and help your search the Fiamma rear awning sits on top of the open tailgate, either with or without a bike rack mounted to the tailgate (i.e. there is extra material to accommodate a bike rack if you have one.
  8. C

    Bike rack, powder coating

    Hi, I have this bike rack and am looking to get it powder coated. Does anyone have experience of taking apart/getting all the plastic off? ..and then back on again. will i need any special tools for the job?
  9. Garyf123

    Bike rack that can hold folding steps?

    Hi, I have a tailgate mounted Thule Wandaway bike rack for 2 cycles. I think it is brilliant and would definitely recommend it. However, the 2 cycles we have are e-bikes which are quite heavy. Lifting on is not such a problem but putting them back after a strenuous ride is not so easy! Folding...
  10. slybacon67

    Towbar install for bike rack

    Hi. I would like to put a towbar on my T6 and will only be fitting a bike rack so it’s extremely unlikely I will actually tow anything. Should I go for universal wiring loom or dedicated loom with trailer prep. If I fit trailer prep with coding will it effect the van unnecessary when bike rack...
  11. Caston82

    Bike rack and reversing camera

    Hi, i’m intending on fitting a reversing camera and will have a towbar bike rack in the future. I was thinking of getting a tailgate reverse light with camera inbuilt. Anyone done this and can you see over the bikes? If so any recommendations on manufacturers, can only find an MZOrange one...
  12. T

    Not the usual bike carrier question - Security?

    I think you're missing my point somewhat. You don't need to be tooled up to steal a bike/bikes off these racks in less than 30 seconds, because they're not actually secured to anything. By engaging the rack locks you might as well be locking the bike to itself. As you said yourself above, undo...
  13. Drive Wayne

    Tow Bar

    We have a Tow Trust detachable towbar, only ever used for a Thule bike rack and a BakRak spare wheel carrier on the longer treks. Highly recommended.
  14. TeeCeeJay

    Found Barn Door Bike Rack

    Thanks. That didn't come up on my search because i was only using bike rack not bike carrier!
  15. BoroBoy

    Wanted VW T6 Bike Rack

    Hi Gary, Thanks for posting this. I am specifically looking for a VW OEM bike rack, to modify into a spare wheel carrier. The kit for this is designed for a VW OEM bike rack only. Good luck with your sale.
  16. TallPaul_S

    Full size roof rack options

    Has anyone had a full size roof rack fitted and care to give some opinions? There's a couple of options that I can find, without spending a small fortune: Flat Dog UK rack - £870 Inc fitting Front Runner slim...
  17. RosscoPCole

    OEM Bike Rack Question

    We have recently bought a new to us T6.1 and had the dealership fitted an OEM bike rack. We have noticed that the two longer attaching arms are a lot looser than the shorter two. When the tailgate opens they fall and touch the rear window. If I forget and not put them back they stop the rear...
  18. quirky

    Swing away bike racks

    The rack lies flat with the bikes on - it does not hold the bike up, so they rest directly on the ground which needs a bit of care. I have about 200mm between the bumper and the rack to walk around in - so I get the ability to get things in and out but it's tight. The rack sits about 350mm out...
  19. davecdjt

    E-bike insurance ?

    We travelled with our bikes packed in the van last month, it worked but it was not a great solution. We were at the NEC yesterday for the caravan and motorhome show and had the opportunity to test our estarli folding e bikes on a Thule Wanderway bike rack - unfortunately the test van didn't have...
  20. Orange Kombi

    Swing away bike racks

    Hello Quirky, we too have this dilemma. Our T6 is 7 years old and we killed our old Thule on our last trip to South Australia. I searched and found your query - you didn’t really get any definitive answer. Did you end up buying a bike rack that you are happy with? We are looking at the Yakima LX...