Search results for query: charging leisure battery from EHU

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  1. Bigsidavies

    Victron MultiPlus Inverter

    The one off the inverter is taking the 12v from your battery and converting it into 240v. The other is obviously taking it direct from the 240v EHU. As long as you have a battery charger that charges your leisure battery when on EHU I’d guess you should be fine using both/either. The charger...
  2. C

    Onto converting plans in Nottingham

    I am sure that the section that houses the hob, sink, fridge, gas bottle/water bottle (next to fridge) is standard width, then from the gas bottle cuoboard rearward is the slimline bit to allow for the bed width. I have a 110ah Lifepo4 leisure battery, a 2000kw inverter, and a 260w solar panel...
  3. dcpen43

    What Have You Done To Your Van Today?

    need to crack on and fit mine got distracted with a projector supply mod
  4. S

    Solar panel power unit

    Yes it’s set up to charge leisure battery so looks like I only need to wire a panel into the ctek to top up my leisure battery when off grid.
  5. T

    Leisure battery......Again

    Yep, a decent charger of some sort sounds beneficial. Question is whether you want a EHU charger, bypassing the Sargent, or add a DC-DC charger which would charge from alternator whenever vehicle is running. How does it currently charge from alternator, is it a split charge relay, a DC-DC or...
  6. Cool Carlos

    Solar setup with Sargent ec155

    I've got/had a similar setup, now upgraded to the following ... Kept: EC155 Sargent for DC distribution (essentially it's now a glorified bus bar and switches) 2 x 100W Solar Panels Removed the Sargent capability to charge the leisure battery (removed the fuse and as a double check ensure...
  7. Bigsidavies

    Split charge - how does it work?

    Unless you have an inverter fitted, which will change 12v into 240v, you will only have live 240v sockets when connected to EHU. All your 12v stuff runs from your leisure battery-lights, fridge, tap, diesel heater, usb sockets etc. When on EHU your mains charger will charge the leisure battery...
  8. Greenmachine

    Hillside Birchover

    That's what I did (although with a Noco rather than CTEK) the first time I charged at home. It shut off all the habitation area lights and pump though, so I've been charging separately. It seems that this is normal though, so hopefully not an issue.
  9. Camper_Driver_T6.1

    Powerpart PDU replacement - Are these a straight swap out?

    The breaker would be one of the electrical circuit breakers on the front panel. You can access them directly without the Powerpart being opened. If you refer to the manual (link I added earlier) you'll identify it as the 6Amp beaker, as all that breaker does is provide electricity to the...
  10. TallPaul_S

    [Guide] Battery Maintainer (for Starter battery) -- How I Done It --

    Just some thoughts on the Ablemail AMT12-2, with a LiFePO4 leisure battery... If I set the AMT12-2 to mode 3 for lithium, it will only trickle charge the SB if the LB voltage is above 13.5v. Which is 100% capacity with zero load, or actively being charged by solar, EHU etc. Which, is great...
  11. Shaun Witts

    TSI flat battery - starts with a jump but dies immediately [Resolved]

    Thanks. These look interesting, but it is probably easier to plug a separate charger in to the dash 12v socket as @Bargy62 suggested. I intend to make a dedicated EHU cable to the length needed for my carport and leave it there permanently.
  12. Gàirnealair

    Portable Solar Panel

    Hope it is OK to resurrect this older thread: When I camp I'm always on a site so no problems with EHU for charging overnight but on days out (when I might be parked up but still at the van for a few hours) I've either got the fridge on (which on a hot day can use a surprising amount from the...
  13. Dellmassive

    Another wiring diagram for scrutiny

    Yes you can do that.... No issues. When on EHU the starter battery will charge.... Then the Renogy dc-dc will switch on to charge the LB. I call is the Auto vsr feature..... I don't a post on it, show on my HIDI thread. With smaller chargers I noticed cycling on and off.... But ultimately...
  14. dcpen43

    What Have You Done To Your Van Today?

    Did i read somewhere that the BMS will only charge the Starter battery to 80%. I leave mine on trickle charge from my solar but i cannot recall it ever getting to full charge
  15. Samiguel

    [Guide] Mobile Solar Panels ? . . . - How I Did It -

    So I’m using my set up in the field for the first time. Gorgeous sunny day, about 22°c, no shade on the panel, but according g to the Victron app I’m only getting 5-6w from the panel and it’s in float mode which I guess means the leisure battery is pretty full. My fridge is on EHU, so with no...
  16. roadtripper

    Another wiring diagram for scrutiny

    One thing to consider here is what you are doing is charging the starter battery and then your DC-DC charger cuts in because it sees a battery it thinks is being charged by the engine. So the profile and multistage charging will be looking after the starter, and reacting to it's state of...
  17. H

    Leisure battery......Again

    Another thought, could I hard-wire a charger/optimiser to the leisure battery, power it via a 240v socket for better charging on ehu?? Remove charger fuse from Sargent unit?. This would still allow Sargent control board to switch 12v etc on? Seems a very easy, obvious solution and i could fit an...
  18. Dellmassive

    Battery Chargers - How I Did It -

    Should be ok. 8A will cover the loads you mention, provided you use EHU to charge the portable power station and not the 12v conection. You will find the 120w panel is a bit lacking for a charging the PPP, it will extend your run time a bit. So for now get it hooked up and see how you go.
  19. Captain Quick

    Hillside Birchover

    Given all the other complexities VW have built in to the T6.1 model, the engine run (alternator charging) signal seems very crude. It did make me wonder whether the presence of this ‘signal’ voltage will ensure the correct operation of the CTEK DC-DC / MPPT charger I’m planning to fit and the...
  20. T

    L/Battery - go large or go lithium?

    Unless it's configured in a non-standard way, the ablemail should only be directing charge to the starter when there is excess available I believe? This should cover scenarios where the leisure battery is full, or close to, but there's still plenty of either solar or EHU available. Do you have...