Search results for query: regen

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  1. Howzat

    DPF regen questions/concerns

    My T6 often does this at idle or low revs. If I restart the engine the regen will continue then eventually complete.
  2. Howzat

    Is safe delete DPF and Adblue?

    Do you know if they did any mapping to stop the regens or does the sensor see no soot anymore so doesn't trigger regens?
  3. antony.charnley

    EVEREST-VW Digidash, Digital Dashboard, Virtual Cluster: Supplier / Installer

    It's on the suggestion board. Perhaps they will in time?
  4. Dellmassive

    Regen and mpg

    got some screenshots off your APP to compare? more info: .
  5. Bigsidavies

    Which module does this error relate to? P00AF00: Turbocharger/Supercharger Boost Control "A" Module, Performance

    That's exactly what I had done a couple of years ago. Done maybe 20k miles since. DPF regens are currently about 150 miles local driving and 225 on a long run.
  6. T

    T6.1 - DPF Failure at 30,000 miles?

    3 hours since the last regen' sounds a long time to me? Especially given the alleged condition of the DPF. Do you take a lot of short journeys or regularly run with the fuel at 1/4 of a tank or less? (which disables regens).
  7. W

    Constant DPF regens with DPF light

    When you say the regens are like clockwork - is that a certain mileage since the last regen or after, say, 20 minutes of driving each time? My T6.1 150PS also regens about 3 times per tank and, yes, it burns fuel when it is doing it but it does start when it is at 30g and burns down to 8.5 or 9g...
  8. CAB

    Radiator Fan running when engine switched off
  9. vwjack

    T6.1 Reduce Oil warning

    Also, if my van is doing a regen I won't turn it off, I will wait till it's finished.
  10. roadtripper

    Can T6.1 do short journeys / low miles and be happy ?

    This is the problem, this is the worst case profile for a modern Euro6 diesel. You have no control over when a regen happens, it's not like the engine will notice you are doing a long trip and think "oh well I'll get a regen in now". Instead what is going to happen is that when the regen is...
  11. osman

    Re - gen happening too often

    Hi I’m getting regens happening too often .. like three times in one week ! It seems worse since a recent visit to the garage . The revs the hideous stink it’s so annoying … I’m doing a lot of short journeys yes but as it’s getting on my nerves so much I’m taking longer routes where I can get...
  12. Bav

    What Have You Bought Today?

    Do you think yours is an outlier or that they all do that? Read on here recently that a regen uses an additional 0.9l of fuel, so without a minimum fuel level, a regen could see you stranded at the roadside.
  13. Dav-Tec

    Possible reasons why my van might have stopped doing DPF regens?

    It's stopped doing regens as it's to full. I can get round this and force it still
  14. D

    Looking for advice: Which ODB tool to choose?

    6.1’s are well known for the ‘oil level too high’ error due to regens not being completed. I loosely watch mine get to 95% accumulation and then keep a closer eye on it once the regen takes place.
  15. W

    Carista Evo & DPF

    That is annoying. Can you convert to metric in Carista settings? They usually start to regen around 30g which is about (1.05 oz - uk) down to about 9g (about 0.3 oz )
  16. Dellmassive

    DPF light

    how was the forced regen done? have you got access to vcds or other to do some scans?
  17. WinFreak

    2017 204PS BiTDi - Seized turbo!

    So it's done it's first regen now, it was at 265km and 24g on my carista seems to kick it off Went through the regen very quickly I thought, less than 10 miles on the dual carriage way I think
  18. Howzat

    DPF Regen Frequency / Issues / Force discussion.

    The DPF Monitor App above shows you the miles and minutes since last regen BUT it resets both to 0 once you complete a regen, so if your current regen has completed that'll be no use to you in this situation.
  19. Alster

    DPF regen questions/concerns

    My 6.1 doesn’t complete a regen at idle-the revs drop after about 5 minutes but it then carries on on the next run
  20. S

    AdBlue not registering

    How do you make it regen. Is there a way to force it please? I though regen was something to do with burning carbon off the diesel filter.