Search results for query: regen

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  1. dinz_dinz

    High Revs At Idle, Not A Regen

    @Dellmassive is it something normal? I’ve just come across this topic having the same issue high rpm 976. Voltage 14.82. No faults on the scanner. Soot level is low. A regen took place 15 miles ago. It’s -1°C outside.
  2. Scottish Scrutineer

    Re - gen happening too often

    When was your van last serviced? If doing repeated short runs, the oil may need changed, also the air filter may be clogged. What diesel do you use? If supermarket diesel, these do not have the same levels of detergent additives. Use premium fuel.
  3. roadtripper

    P0088, P0191 and P2463 fault codes (EML, Flashing coil light, DPF light and limp mode/lack of power)

    ...what is causing excessive soot, they should be good for 70k or so. Depending on the model you might already be over the level where a normal regen will occur, you need to be careful not to go over the level where a forced regen will not work or it gets much more complicated to recover...
  4. D

    DPF forced regen with Carly

    As per the title… Is it possible?? Can someone tell me how to do it?? Cheers Dunc
  5. Skyliner33

    T6.1 Reduce oil level and Oil dilution

    I haven't disabled it and mine does stop mid regen. SO if doing regen and you turn off and take keys out the engine still runs?
  6. Skyliner33

    T6.1 Reduce oil level and Oil dilution

    The problem is, and its not ust VW, if you stop the engine mid regen then that leaves some of the diesel fuel in the cylinders. This is injected during a regen so that undurnt fuel goes into the dpf and burns the soot build up. The problem with stopping mid regen is then that excess fuel in the...
  7. Scottish Scrutineer

    AdBlue Discussion and Issues

    Fans running when you stop and a hot smell are signs that a DPF Regen was either in progress, or had just completed. The idle speed during regen is around 1000rpm as opposed to the normal ~820rpm. f you don't know about these signs, then your not at fault, its just knowledge that some have...
  8. jimc91

    AdBlue not registering

    Keep driving, it will reset maybe after it’s next regen,
  9. CarreraRSR

    Healthy 180 CFCA owners?

    What is the average mileage between regens on a healthy CFCA engine assuming a good mix of long motorway and shorter town journeys
  10. MrSkip

    Dpf cleaner additives

    I always use Wynns Gold, currently on 90,000mls with no issues, I also always maintain at least a third of a tank of fuel so regens can happen when needed, typically every 300 miles, I do 4 x 5mile journeys daily Monday to Thursday with longer runs at the weekend
  11. Deaky

    Solar Panel no controller

    Your starter battery will only ever charge to 80% to leave headroom for regenerative charge from breaking. It’s not uncommon for it to sit at 12.3v
  12. Dellmassive

    EcoFlow alternator charger...strange or normal??

    normal behaviour. coasting caused Regen breaking and high voltage. and motorway crusing will off load the alternator causing a lower starter battery voltage. you can trick the van into a higher power mode by turning on the headlights or blowers on two, or some other high electrical load like...
  13. G

    DPF regen questions/concerns

    ...that it wont be dumping diesel into the cylinders then draining into oil. In fact if I switch off and get out and notice the heat/smell of a regen I get back in, start the engine again to hopefully stop the diesel being left time to drain into the oil. Im assuming it takes more that a couple...
  14. D

    Code p2463

    I have a similar issue and have code P2463. I’m waiting for the arrival of a Carly OBD scanner which I think allows me to force a regen… But I’m wondering if the DPF is blocked… why don’t I get the DPF light showing on my dash and instead get the flashing glow plug light and P2463 error code...
  15. WinFreak

    Help please! Blocked DPF issues.

    Mine was so blocked it pretty much regenned continuously and it never came up with error messages like yours?!
  16. T

    DPF Regen, Yellow Light & Adblue - Whats It All About? -

    ...around town too shopping trips and such, but also now the weather is nice, we do go exploring and longer trips too. With short trips I seeing a regen what seems like somewhere around 120 miles. I know when I do an 80ish mile trip to south coast by the time I almost pull on the drive at 160ish...
  17. J

    DPF Regen Until Soot Level >8g

    It can go about 150-200 miles to reach 24g for regen, soot seems to collect around 0.1g every couple of minutes urban (very roughly) and slower on motorway. Engine seems OK, starts and runs fine. Actually its a brand new engine installed about 12k miles ago by previous owner (as well as clutch...
  18. mmi

    Fuel/Air Control During DPF Regen

    That's how it works - when the regen is due it takes less than two minutes to get exhaust temperature above 400 °C. The green curve below (turbo input) Some more...
  19. WinFreak

    2017 204 oil consumption issues [Resolved]

    You can tell by the higher revs on idle that it's doing a regen or if you've got carista you can see how many miles it's done since the last regen. Currently mine only gets to like 80ish miles before it regens. Before with the old turbo and cleaning the dpf it pretty much regenned continuously...
  20. Howzat

    DPF Regen Until Soot Level >8g

    This is normal but a 90 minute regen isn't. On the motorway that should be 20 minutes. Try the DPF monitor app, which is pretty simple to use, to better understand what's happening. They key is to see how many miles since last regen. You should be seeing 200 miles for motorway driving, less for...