
  1. C

    Wanted T6.1 heater control with heated seat switches

    Wanted T6.1 heater control panel with heated seat switches
  2. B

    7E0819045 Heater/Ventilation Air Control unit replacement

    Apologies if this has been on before but I've searched and can't find it. I've had the common green braided heater flap control cable kink issue but also found that the control unit was broken. I've managed to source a new unit (7E0-819-045-C-9B9) but can't find anywhere which shows me how to...
  3. M

    T5.1 Heater / Aircon / Climatic controller replacement

    Hi all, Just joined the camper group and got a t5.1 2013 T30 T5, however given the nice weather i started using the aircon. This was intermittent and after replacing the pressure sensor and a few other bits i turned my attention to the controls. In positions 1&2 i could select the aircon button...
  4. G

    Is it possible to swap out this set of switches for the more modern digital ones?

    So from the first pic changed over to the second pic. Is it possible to swap these over? Has anyone here done this? I found a thread from 2021 of someone asking this but it seemed to have not come to a conclusion.
  5. P

    06 t5 dash upgrade

    Thought I'd try a differnert route Std t5 heater box and std t5 crash bar .std ac heater controls Then add t6 dash . Along with a cluster mod to fit better . Then added electric windows .just door cards to pop on and mod the switchers
  6. J

    Heated Seat OEM retrofit - Climatic unit

    So I am going through retrofitting heated seats withe the kafatec loom (have no problems with the wiring so far), my issue is the heater control unit I have swapped it for (that has the heated seat buttons) now just continually rotates from window screen to face to feet then round and around...
  7. P

    Little annoying heater pannel issuise t5.1bcm

    T5.1 has been basicly power/ earths to power heater pannel air direction flaps , But the air circulation iss illumation all the time 1 is there anything I can check from the heater pannel wireing ? Or bcm I’ve problerly missed / Which illumination wire is used from the bcm to power back...
  8. M

    The Matrix

    Hi can anyone help? I am looking for a T5 / 6 heater matrix? The basic mechanically controlled version. Actually just need the white nylon disc which controls the air blend on the left (passenger side). There are full systems available on line but are expensive to buy and ship; or has...
  9. N

    For Sale Heater actuator control arm - metal replacement

    T6 right hand actuator control arms custom made in aluminium I have been through many plastic ones, done the recalibration many times with all sensors reading correctly but Still breaking arms, so I had enough and designed and made my own from aluminium, These have been tested on my own van...
  10. sippe

    Position Sensor for Rear Air Distribution Flap 2

    Good evening! Trying to figure out where this one can come from (code below), but not sure... I tried opening up the box where the rear blower sits, and playing around with the airco. Everything seems to be working in a normal way, flap opens and closes when changing between hot and cold (I...
  11. LRGS2

    HVAC Right Hand Actuator Calibration

    I have a problem with my 2018 T6 with the actuator arm which had broken. I have replaced the broken arm and it did the same again. Purchased a new actuator and it broke again as it is trying to drive the arm passed the end stops. I have connected to VCDS and it shows it exceeding the end stop...
  12. C

    For Sale Heater/AC consol

    Heater/ AC consol removed from a 2017 high line van £25 + P&P or collect from rm 13
  13. M

    Sold Badges / W/mirrors / Clamatic controllers / MFSW

    2017 highline van upgraded so original parts for sale (reasonable offers) Rugby based. Leather round steering wheel (no airbag) multi function, VW chrome front/rear badges, Revo badges new, wing mirrors /electric - pair, air con controllers - 2.
  14. R

    Part number for heating controls wiring

    Hi Folks I would like to move this from its standard place, to here As there is a tonne of wires, it strikes me that the easiest way to move it is to buy the wiring loom that plugs into the controls, run it to the new position and put matching plugs onto the other end so that it can connect to...
  15. S

    Heater Blowing Hot until dial at coldest point then blows cold [Resolved]

    Hi, my 2016 VW transporter T6 seems to only blow cold air when the dial is set to the coldest setting. Soon as you move off the coldest setting it blows hot air. Anyone else seen this before and can help?
  16. B

    T5 Dash swap: heater/air-con help needed

    Hello this is my first thread asking for some help along the way please guys gals I’m doing something that I’m not sure if someone’s already done or not i have a 2008 T5 2.5 swapping the interior dash out, crash bar, steering column, heater blower/heater matrix/ aircon unit, door cards and...
  17. Ayjay

    Uneven Air Con Blowers [Resolved]

    My van has Climatic air conditioning and with the heat today I started the engine and set the air con to the lowest temperature with maximum fan and blowing into the face (as in the picture below). The air came out of all vents cold enough but I did notice that the the strength was rather...
  18. M

    Climate control issue

    Hi all, I have a 2016 T6 (T30 Highline) with the manual climate controls. First long work drive in months yesterday and noticed the vent control had stopped working. Kind of. Selecting windscreen, feet or dash vents didn’t do anything, although selecting defrost would switch on the ac but not...
  19. M

    Climatic to climatronic

    Hi all, looking to do a little lock down project to take out my climatic air con system and replace with the climatronic version. Granted I’ll need a climatronic air box and control panel. Are there many other changes between the two? Has anyone done this?
  20. Shanz

    Aircon/heat director control panel

    Hi All, Does anyone know where the fuse is for the Aircon/heat director control panel (the one below the stereo)? Mine has stopped working as follows: - There is no LED backlight - The left hand knob (temperature control) doesnt do anything - The middle knob (heater fan speed control) works...