door assembly carrier

  1. SlothBurger

    Kombi Door Spring Mechanism

    What part am I missing here in the photo? It's the top part of the spring coving & it's missing from both sides of the closing mechanism for each door - not even the spring is on the drivers side. Both doors rattle & I think this is the culprit. The pin aligns into the part that's missing.
  2. Andysmee

    [GUIDE] How to remove the carrier assembly from the front door of a T6

    This is needed as part of a longer guide to removing and swapping doors, but I know this is a good subject for anyone who needs to sound deaden and insulate their van. A great deal of thanks to those on this thread which kickstarted my work today. First you'll need to remove the door card. You...
  3. Loz

    T6 Removing Door Carrier Assembly 2018-12-05

    Removal and installation are described only for the left side. Re‐ moval and installation of the right side is similar. Window regulator, door lock and loudspeaker are secured to the assembly carrier. The door lock can be removed only together with the assembly carrier. Assembly carrier can...
  4. LambethBoy

    removal: metal internal door skin / door assembly?

    How do I get this off guys!? I’ve taken out bolts but something is holding it there!
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