
  1. G

    Poor FM/AM signal

    Afternoon all I'm in the process of fitting a new Alpine head unit, with the engine running the FM/AM signal is virtually none existing. Turn the ignition off it's fine, I've narrowed it down to the headlights coming on. I've recently fitting the THQ v3 headlights along with the LED bulbs. Has...
  2. GavMc P11GT

    Are Halfrauds winding me up?? Poor DAB signal: powered aerials, LED bulbs and Dash Cams

    So I’ve been a bit miffed with the DAB quality in the van checked all connections with the mirror antenna in the mirror it’s self and the door. All seems well however I’m not running the standard head unit I have a Kenwood and they claim that the driver side door mirror is no good even though I...
  3. catfood12

    Fixing DAB Interference From Aftermarket LED Lamps

    I have poverty spec T4 headlamps on my T6. The old incandescent DRLs look so old fashioned, and I wanted to change to LEDs. The first problem with this is finding reliable CANbus ones that don't bring on the bulb failure monitor. All the ones I tried caused DAB interference. I almost lost...
  4. Winter138

    DRL LED Causing DAB Interference

    Has anyone had any issues with DRL lights effecting DAB signal. Was fine until I installed bumper DRL inserts.
  5. L

    LED Fog Bulbs causing DAB fault

    As title, has anyone fitted the Travelin-lite LED fog lights and had any issues with the DAB reception on their radio? Every time I slow down for a corner and the cornering assist comes on, I lose all DAB reception until I speed up again. Wondering if there's a quick fix anyone knows about. Cheers
  6. Dellmassive

    Led Fog Light Upgrade (dual Colour) - How I Did It -

    LED Fog Light upgrade (Dual colour) - How i Did it - Following on from @3shotdave original post about "New Led Fog Light Bulbs" i though i would give it a go. original post: New Led Fog Light Bulbs original credit: @3shotdave...