
  1. C

    Essential Mods

    So after wanting one for so long, and much to’ing and fro’ing I have finally today put a deposit down on a van. Startline T6.1 with Business pack. Going to go for the swamper look with AT tyres. So my question is if you were to start from scratch again what are the first things you would do to...
  2. M

    What Have You Made Today?

    Here is my homemade awning canopy. The parts were about £40 and it cost me £30 to get it stitched up; my sewing machine wasn't up to the task. Could of probably bought one cheaper, but wanted to make it myself. It can be hung vertically or at an angle following the tie down straps. It may need a...
  3. JaySal

    What are your best ‘Cool’ mods you’ve done

    So I was thinking today how many others have crazy mods for their Vans.... .... and what is mildly crazy to down right bonkers ... Any one put underfloor heating? Or a wood burner in? What about shower tray and curtain... or even a bath? A few years ago someone wanting to unzip their...
  4. Deaky

    Tomorrow I Ar Be Mostly.........

    Painting my callipers. What have you got planned tomorrow?
  5. toonaroon

    What Was Yours!!

    Hi guys, just wondering when you first bought your T6, what was the first accessory or mod you bought? mine was door window wind deflectors, and the list goes on... photos if you have one...
  6. James1000

    What Option Could You Not Have Ordered?

    As the option list on the conversion is growing and growing along with telephone number budget! I am interested to know what people got carried away on ordering but on reflection wasn’t needed? And vice versa - what is a must?
  7. T6180

    What Have You Bought Today?

    So there are threads for what have you done today, one for where have you been today but not one for what have you bought today? I must admit I've bought loads of parts, detailing products and other bits that I haven't got round to fitting or mentioning or I've bought a product and then...
  8. Tourershine

    Then And Now.

    I just realised it's been almost 1 year to the day that I started this whole T6 project. I dread to think how much money I've spent on my van getting it to how she looks today. There's been a lot of lessons learnt, and a lot of education added in here. Am I happy with the finished look? Kind...
  9. Daneeyre

    What Have You Done To Your Van Today?

    As I was at 'work' today and it was a bit on the slow side I decided to respray the roof to follow the lines of the bonnet and bumper that I did Saturday. Still need to burnish it but it sprayed really well and looks good already.