2.0 BI Turbo 204 - DPF Soot level reaches 11g and automatically doubles to 24g and goes through re gen cycle


New Member
Purchased Van couple of years ago noticed it seems to do the re gens every 25miles ish pluged in Carista and when it finshes re gen soot level @ 6g then bulids up
over 25 miles ish when reaches 11 it goes straight to 24g and starts re gen cycle over again - it does use a slight bit of oil 1/2 litre every 1500 miles - no faults recorded etc
69,000 miles - i have had it since 53,000 miles oil change every 3,000 knowing these can be bit of a problem
have a look over here. . .

some results that you can compare . .


also check out the CEXB thread.
