Hey everyone,
I’ve seen some posts on here talking about 3D printing but nothing related directly to 3D scanning - please correct me if I’m wrong.
Scanning (along with 3D printing of course) is something I’ve been incorporating into my day job for a few years now but thought I’d start a thread to see if there’s anyone else out there with a similar interest…
I generally scan life or sculptures and have never scanned car parts or static objects as such before. This is something that I’ve always been interested in but never had the time to pursue due to a busy work schedule.
Anyway, I took some parts off my T6.1 a while back so they were screaming out to be my first victims!
This is literally my first go at scanning a car part and it’s far from perfect but I thought I would share it here for those that might want to see
I’ve also never uploaded a video here or to YouTube so that will be a test too. Let’s see if it works…
This model is ‘un-watertight’ with zero post processing. Basically just raw data with holes etc to see what / how it would capture. Can you guess the part???
If this upload works then I might post a video of another part for your enjoyment
Similarly if this is not suitable for this forum then could Admin please delete or move somewhere else. I won’t be offended!
I’ve seen some posts on here talking about 3D printing but nothing related directly to 3D scanning - please correct me if I’m wrong.
Scanning (along with 3D printing of course) is something I’ve been incorporating into my day job for a few years now but thought I’d start a thread to see if there’s anyone else out there with a similar interest…
I generally scan life or sculptures and have never scanned car parts or static objects as such before. This is something that I’ve always been interested in but never had the time to pursue due to a busy work schedule.
Anyway, I took some parts off my T6.1 a while back so they were screaming out to be my first victims!
This is literally my first go at scanning a car part and it’s far from perfect but I thought I would share it here for those that might want to see
I’ve also never uploaded a video here or to YouTube so that will be a test too. Let’s see if it works…
This model is ‘un-watertight’ with zero post processing. Basically just raw data with holes etc to see what / how it would capture. Can you guess the part???
If this upload works then I might post a video of another part for your enjoyment
Similarly if this is not suitable for this forum then could Admin please delete or move somewhere else. I won’t be offended!