4 Motion Double Seat Swivel


VIP Member
T6 Pro
I would like to fit a double seat swivel in my 2017 4motion, but realise within the seat box is not just a couple of cable connectors which can be tucked under the floor, but a series of relays.

Question is has anybody else come across the problem?

One thought was to replace the double with Kiavans seat base with safe, as the swivel is on the top so I could re fix the relays back into the safe.

Or is the cable on the relays long enough to re route under the floor and reposition into the drivers seat base, which I am leaving fixed?
From memory when I fitted mine there is a recess under the floor mat that you can locate the relays and cables which allows you to fit the swivel base
Thanks will have a look tomorrow. Not sure if I’m happy to loose relays under the carpet but will have a look.

Can anybody tell me what the relays under the seat are for?