80 litre tank


New Member
I ordered a new T6.1 and added the 80 ltr fuel tank option. I've got down to near zero a few times on the gauge with the dash saying 20 or so miles left. I've not been able to add more than 67 ltrs offuel.
Queried with the dealer who confirmed the 80ltr tank was ordered. Its going in for them to check but to be fair I'm not convinced they know how to check!

Any other owners with similar Issue?
Once the reported range reaches zero, you'll still have enough fuel for another 50 miles (approx). So, by my calculations, when the range shows 20, you'll still have around 10 ltr left in the tank.
I wouldn’t rely on there being much fuel in the tank when the range says zero. More importantly the engine will not carry out a re-generation of the DPF with less than 1/4 tank. There are enough DPF issues without bringing them on.
Yeah, might be the case, not sure i want to risk checking though. I just wondered if anyone manages to put in more than 70ltr or so, it's just a bit weird that the max is always 67/68 litres.My logic was, if the vehicle is returning 32mpg (7.039 mpl) and I have 25mile range left, there is 3.55ltr there or thereabouts left in the tank
Yeah, might be the case, not sure i want to risk checking though. I just wondered if anyone manages to put in more than 70ltr or so, it's just a bit weird that the max is always 67/68 litres.My logic was, if the vehicle is returning 32mpg (7.039 mpl) and I have 25mile range left, there is 3.55ltr there or thereabouts left in the tank
I have a 2016 T6 Euro 5 with an 80L tank, I’ve been down to a few litres left and then re-filled with way over 70L.
Maybe it’s 6.1 or a Euro 6 thing.
Either way once you’ve found the limit I wouldn’t advise going there again.
As for whether it‘s 80L or less, it’s a bit late as it’s already built and paid for.
I have an 80 litre tank in my T6 and I have added 78 litres to it when the fuel gauge has got quite low when out in the country and service stations few and far between. So an 80 litre tank can take around 80 litres.
I have an 80 litre tank in my T6 and I have added 78 litres to it when the fuel gauge has got quite low when out in the country and service stations few and far between. So an 80 litre tank can take around 80 litres.
I'm defo leaning towards a factory build error. I'm surpsrised though - or should I be :) New to all this, maybe errors are common place. Will be interesting to see what happens.
I believe I have a 70ltr fuel tank but put 72.58 litres in recently when the dash said I had 18 miles of range. Confusing…
I have a Shuttle. I don't know the tank size, as it's not a listing in the options code in the service manual), but last summer in France we drove the van to zero a few miles from the campsite when returning back from a long day out. Then next morning we drove straight to a fuel station a couple of miles away and it took in ~73 litres (from memory) I took a picture to remind me. I assume if I have ~6-7litrs left, that would add up.
I have a Shuttle. I don't know the tank size, as it's not a listing in the options code in the service manual), but last summer in France we drove the van to zero a few miles from the campsite when returning back from a long day out. Then next morning we drove straight to a fuel station a couple of miles away and it took in ~73 litres (from memory) I took a picture to remind me. I assume if I have ~6-7litrs left, that would add up.
I have a Caravelle - perhaps I have an 80l tank? Every bit of info I have seen about Caravelles says they have a 70l tank but who knows! :)
I was under my van yesterday, the part number is embossed on the bottom of the fuel tank and there is a sticker on the right hand side of the tank also stating the part number.
It’s a 5 minute job to check what you have installed rather than calculating what you think you might have and still not being sure. A camera phone should find the embossed part number without the need for jacking.
I think there is a recall on the 6.1 to get the fuel gauge re calibrated, as doesn’t show tank full, after filling to brim, probably not related but just another thing to watch out for
I was under my van yesterday, the part number is embossed on the bottom of the fuel tank and there is a sticker on the right hand side of the tank also stating the part number.
It’s a 5 minute job to check what you have installed rather than calculating what you think you might have and still not being sure. A camera phone should find the embossed part number without the need for jacking.
That's interesting, I'll have a look tomorrow! Do you happen to know the part numbers for a 70 and 80ltr tank?
By way of an update, the van was with the dealer yesterday. They attahced a diagnostic tool which can apparently read the volume of liquid inside the tank. They filled it to the brim and sent me the photo below.....I'm pretty sure that the diagnostic tool cannot read the liquid content of the tank but is rather displaying the specification of the tank the vehicle is supposed to have; 80ltr. Or it is reading it and there is EXACTLY 80.0 litres in there !?!?! :)

That's interesting, I'll have a look tomorrow! Do you happen to know the part numbers for a 70 and 80ltr tank?
No but I’m pretty sure if you put the number that you find into Google it’ll spit something out.
Always had this with our T6. I ordered it with an 80L tank, I checked and it had an 809l part number on it. Whenever it got down to not very much on the fuel gauge I couldn't get more than 70L in it. In the end I never risked getting the needle to rest on the stop.
I'm pretty sure that the diagnostic tool cannot read the liquid content of the tank but is rather displaying the specification of the tank the vehicle is supposed to have; 80ltr.
By the look of screen the value seen is from engine controller - not "raw" data - simply because the fuel level sensor electrically connects to dash panel controller. Most likely also the fuel tank size is coded in the dash panel controller to "calibrate" the reported values.

there is EXACTLY 80.0 litres in there !?!?!
The reported value to the engine has resolution of 1 litre and it is just maxed out - that's what T6 does.

Based on the few T6.1 logs I have got it I think it's the same. E.g. on a lengthy ride fuel level on T6.1 went from 61 down to 37 litres at 1 litre steps (144 logged steps en route - credit @Pauly ).

Below snippets of T6 logs from engine and dash panel controller (Instruments) after a fill-up.