I tend to use the metoffice.gov.uk/ . I loath the BBC renditions, even if they use the met for information. Perhaps they do not pay enough £ for more joined up thinking. It was easy to predict the likelihood of snow on the occasions it came over Nov and more recently long before it came over. Just look at the US, Greenland, Iceland, ect. All weather tends tto gravitate west to east aproximatly. All Low pressure systems in the Northern hemisphere rotate anticlockwise. Will often drag the old weather including snow down to lower latitudes and a tendency to towards the east. If the isobars on the western half of a low pressure system pass over any of the above when they have snow or particularly cold weather and then pass over us then we usually get it. Of course each system is not actually round but more resembles the contours of mountain regions. When isobars or gradients are close packed expect high winds, large separations slower winds. Weather systems do mingle interact and interfere with systems and make long term predictions more interesting and more problematic with educated best guesses, computer analysis and so on. The best part of BBC TV weather forecasting is the usually the very start of the program before the weather announcer moves there big head and body to the left of the screen hiding the north American Greenland land mass weather. The imagery almost simultaneously goes over to viewing the UK Weather Radars actual representation of what is happening more locally to the UK in a distorted triangle. The presenter will gas on not in good sequence, while continuing to hide the western Atlantic and Arctic regions. This is to ensure that you only have a short while to predict ones self what is actualy likely to happen in the next few days or inside a week and are forced to take the BBC view of short term weather eventuality. Occasionally even then with the more vigorous movers of weather presenters they move just enough across the TV screen to see closer weather systems the other side of Ireland. the then quickly move back to hide what was revealed, just a brief second or so.
I have come to believe that the above is deliberate to ensure people have to constantly return to the BBC for updates instead of allowing the population to form its own opinion on likely events from the dammed obvious. The weather forecasting would be better by just presenting weather system pressure gradients and the change in patterns and swirl interactions over a time without a weather announcer at all. Mostly it is not rocket science.
Most of the snow that I have seen locally or across the UK on web cams is nothing worth getting excited about. The danger today is the modern fashion of treadles slick like tyres offering a few Km more that offer little in the way of traction in adverse weather. That and the higher numbers of people on the road today who always seem to think they are driving in the Bahamas, ill equipped with suitable clothing, footwear or anything sensible for the time of year. Nevermind a shovel good tyres warm clothing sleeping bag and so on. All season tyres are so good now all year round, that it surprises me that Law does not require suitable tyres over the winter months like some EU countries. Either have all season tyre all year round or have two sets of tyres. VAT and TAX allowances in this direction would help with compliance as would prosecutions for non compliance. It matters not a jot if it has not snowed in the home counties for the last 5 years or what ever. It does not matter just about pulling away but the bigger question of safety. Most people only seem to care about just moving, They do not seem to consider stopping safely or staying on there own side of the road or running into the back of someone or even abandoning cars in the most ridiculous and unsafe places. It all about short term self interest and fashon and the lack of self care or that for others.