evening all, looking for a bit of helping and trying to save a few quid.
The connector that’s plugs into my Digital Remote Control has been damaged by the front seat sleeper! Little cherub!
Rather than buy a new cable - does anyone know what type of connector Addison use (at the DRC end) and the terminations on the cables that plug into this connector?
Right now I’m looking at a replacement cable at £50 for a part that should cost less than 50p !!
The connector that’s plugs into my Digital Remote Control has been damaged by the front seat sleeper! Little cherub!
Rather than buy a new cable - does anyone know what type of connector Addison use (at the DRC end) and the terminations on the cables that plug into this connector?
Right now I’m looking at a replacement cable at £50 for a part that should cost less than 50p !!