Barn Door spare wheel carrier


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What options are out there for carrying a spare swamper wheel and tyre?

I guess my exiting 16” spare wheel is now no good to use (should I get a puncture)?
Yeah I’ve read a few posts on here.
From what I recall, it was delivered with incorrect fixing and you have to have it powder coated (it’s not powder coats from th factory, which is a bit strange).
Im surprised there any not more options from the swamper specialists.
Volkstrek also did make a spare wheel carrier. They don't advertise this on there website but listed them on the facebook page
And I found this on ebay

That looks a very good one so long as it hinges from the same place as the door or has compensation if not. Looks strong and robust which is what you want. No good if it comes adrift on the road at max speed wheel could kill someone or two! Security is another consideration and of course be fit enough to lift said swamper on and off which i am sure that you are.
If I do fit a rear wheel carrier, is there anything I can fit to make use of the space under the van?

So, best place to buy. Spare wheel space water tank? We have a 20litre container stored in the side cupboard at the back of the van, we got through it in a day, so it’s not really big enough.
I think that what ever use it is put too, that some sort of security be in the back of ones mind when setting it up or even deciding its use. ( PERHAPS A SEPTIC TANK AND WHEN THE THUG TRIES TO STEEL IT HE GETS A PROPER DRENCHING ) Perhaps a hinged containing locked drop down mettle sub floor that can be locked. This is an area that is often targeted by thief’s mainly looking for corroded spare wheels and knackered tyres.
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