Best "garden" enclosure for large dog


New Member
We need a robust "garden" area for our v they come out into it from the T6 side door and it gives us all more space. I've read about Jormax. We can't figure out how it would attach to T6 to stop our hounds peeping round the edges and squeezing they've done with the tent type awning we bought! Advice plse.
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We use a ground peg tether instead of an enclosure. We bought an enclosure when the dog was a puppy but I can’t see us using it again now
It's to stop the chaos of when the door slides back and we all try and get out at the same time! Our T6 has a canopy so we thought an enclosure would give us all more space under cover. The awning was a total disaster....Big guy got round it and our spaniel under it!
Get a tether and peg it just out of reach of the van. This way the dogs can’t make a mess in the van but depending on the lead length also normally means they are just about able to reach your neighbours :slow rofl:
If make pic bigger see green roll plastic netting about 1 foot long and put that on bottom peg out stops pup getting out aswell . Hope this helps lads and ladies... Happy camping.