Blue tooth asking for Ignition to be on


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Well after swapping out the standard 1K headunit before christmas that had blue tooth connectivity I fitted the discovery media easy swap oy I thought. Since fitting, I havent been able to connect my mobile to the headunit! Checked the fuses checked head unit in another vehicle works fine. Everytime I go to connect bluetooth its asking for ignition to be on - van is running! Software updates on headunit are the latest. When read on VCDS is states ignition switch, original ignition switch replaced with a VW ignition switch, still vcds reads - implausable signal. Had the vehicle into the garage, live monitor of ignition switch operation no issues, the technincian then stated it could be the BCM - had this replaced and recoded - fault still apparent! All CP's are removed so I know thats not the issue - I have stripped back the interior of the van and located the BCM connectors - on plug A are two inline crimps - possibly from manufacture - they look like CAN bus cable pale yellow green twisted pair - but next to it was a blue/red cable that is defo open circuit. All these are factory cables. So the question is where do I go from here, is it an ignition fault or what....any clues as to blue /red wire to plug A BCM? Any sage advise welcomed....its baffled a few VW electricains thus far. VW T6 2019 Highline.

I suspect its lots of cable checking.....van is converted but the only addition to VW wiring is the CTECK piggyback to fuseboard.

Any advise welcomed - Regards Martin