Bonnet protection


DJ VdubRadio
VIP Member
T6 Legend
So, I have been looking at bonnet bras and used to have one on my t5, you know, that one that comes half way up the bonnet and is fabric. So, I am looking at one that won't damage paint work more than it is meant to protect it and have come across this. It says in the description that it's attached with grub screws, but not sure where they attach etc. Anyone else got one or seen one in the flesh so to speak and what you think? Thanks
The clear film wrap seems really good, the only thing that would put me off it is I've seen some thats aged and turns yellow which is really noticeable on light vehicles.
I have been told that the latest films are fully guarantee against discolouration. one of my customers has just had a limited edition ducati done at the coventry dealer when it was delivered.

Hopefully it will help protect against the stone chips
Haven't got a single stone chip on mine. Had it since December. Paint seems to be very good. PPF becoming more popular. Solid colours easy to fix chips - load with paint, flat down with 3000 grit wet and dry, polish, job done. Metallics harder to achieve good results. Used Chipex system before too - results ok but "paint, flat & polish" works well with solid colour paints.
The one I have posted there is a Perspex attachment that sits clear of the bonnet allowing water to pass over and only touches with three rubber rests. Still a no goer?
I agree but really want to protect the front, but guess it's a bit Chavvy?