Wanted Caravelle step light cover


2017 Shuttle SE.
VIP Member
T6 Guru
Sadly my driver’s side step light plastic cover has come off and fallen out of the van.

I don’t want a whole light unit at £££ so if anyone has a link for or name of the plastic cover which protects the front step light, and can help me I’d really appreciate it.

Many thanks, Dave C
Hace you got a pic of what you mean? I have a brand new step light, just the little plastic light going spare
These two photos show the passenger side and drivers side. I have the light only on the driver's side, it's just missing the silver plastic cover. I would rather just buy the replacement cover but if the only thing available is the full light, I may have to fork out for the complete unit.


It seems you can’t get the covers, but a member did get some 3D copies made up -

Hace you got a pic of what you mean? I have a brand new step light, just the little plastic light going spare
Title amended to suit.
It seems you can’t get the covers, but a member did get some 3D copies made up -

Title amended to suit.
Thanks for the link! I found the file uploaded and my son's friend has a 3D printer and will have a go over Christmas for me. I'll see how good they fit and ask if he can modify the design to say anything.

I'll come back with the progress, thanks for the replies, I hadn't considered manufacturing them locally.
I have one I bought but the lettering was a different font to mine. I’ll get a photo if I can find it and it’s yours if you want it