Caravelle Step Light Removal


Seize the day.
VIP Member
T6 Legend
Looking for help on how to remove the front step light cover. Is it simply a case of a trim tool behind it?.
The whole thing comes, if you just want to get the cover off then remove the complete light and you will see half a dozen clips on the rear that you can release one at a time with a small screwdriver to separate
I was looking to do the same thing today so I’ll update this thread. The light has a spring clip on right hand edge, it’s the same part for both sides of the van.

You just need to slot in a trim removal tool at the bottom right hand edge before it curves up, twist the tool a bit and the light unit will just pop out.

The lights on mine had got quite scuffed up from getting in and out so I sprayed them with some paint from a rattle can and they came up like new! Just need to clean up the step now.
