Carpeting a Door Store


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T6 Legend
Hello all,

Sprung for the just kampers door store thing for the t6.

Watched a video how to carpet line it.

My question is (panel hasn’t landed yet) does anyone know how much material i need to purchase to cover? Would quite like to get that and glue ordered. Little Xmas project.

Cheers all
It’s about the same size as your existing door panel, so measure that.

The stuff I get is 2m wide, so I’d go for 2mx2m and have plenty left to trim in the pockets.
Amazing thank you. All ordered now. What’s the consensus? People tend to line the pockets fully too?
E692AF2E-815C-4DD1-8D07-532C10952E2A.jpegPic of a job, messy sticky mess! Good job I overbought the material. Next question, is there a way to adjust the door as it will run rear passenger side wheel arch as is (not heavy or overfilled or sticking out. Please advise DCDF9456-8FF3-4136-921E-FE3F8C706F8A.jpeg9FE5B9B9-7FA1-4B8D-981D-6AEEE1E4D4A8.jpeg
All I would is keep an eye on the paint on the wheel arch for a while. When I first fitted my JK door store (using the existing VW clips), it made contact with the wheel arch very time that it was opened - the only trouble was that by the time I noticed it, it had already started rubbing away at the paint. Anyhow, I bought some different clips from JK (which I think they advertised as being for carpeted door store) and they give a much tighter fit so everything is now OK (but I did have to do a bit of work to make the paintwork good again).
Yeah I got the longer clips, but feels like if I could just steal even ONE millimetre I would have the clearance to put mind at rest. Is there an adjustment anyone knows of to take door a mm further out?
Get a hammer and knock the wheel arch panel in....... Sorry I have nothing helpful to input :think smile bounce:
All I would is keep an eye on the paint on the wheel arch for a while. When I first fitted my JK door store (using the existing VW clips), it made contact with the wheel arch very time that it was opened - the only trouble was that by the time I noticed it, it had already started rubbing away at the paint. Anyhow, I bought some different clips from JK (which I think they advertised as being for carpeted door store) and they give a much tighter fit so everything is now OK (but I did have to do a bit of work to make the paintwork good again).
I had same issue and ended up putting extra self tapping screws into the door frame. Pulls it in that extra bit. Mines carpeted aswell and it clears ok now. The screws are hidden behind the carpet aswell
Yeah I got the longer clips, but feels like if I could just steal even ONE millimetre I would have the clearance to put mind at rest. Is there an adjustment anyone knows of to take door a mm further out?
Bearing in mind, in my case, it was the 0.5mm of uncarpeted plastic that did the damage maybe @T6ChrisO has a point!
@Skippygriff. Good idea using the self tappers. I really believe that it wasn't so much the extra length of the replacement clips that did the job in my case but more a case of them being so much better at the job.
Bearing in mind, in my case, it was the 0.5mm of uncarpeted plastic that did the damage maybe @T6ChrisO has a point!
Sorry yeh I didn’t see the pic at first. does seem really tight in that picture. I carpeted over the clips. . can still remove the store if you need to
Where abouts did you positions screws can i ask?
I think mine is a kirivans door store. I put 3 or 4 screws inbetween the two bottom store pockets. Behind there is a brace for the door you can go into. I just cut little triangles in carpet and peeled them back. Drilled through. Screws in then pushed carpet back down. You can’t see where they are