Autoterm Planar 2d-12 extension cable


@The.Grape.Escape.T6 Instagram
VIP Member
T6 Guru
Can anyone help?

I currently have an Autoterm Planar 2D-12 Night Heater in the van. The control panel was fitted in the old kitchen pod just above fridge


I am picking up my new kitchen this Friday and have been moving cables to suit the new unit. I've been looking for an extension cable for it, to be able to move the control panel to a new location, but when searching online I can only find this

New loom here

It says they come as 5m lengths, so does that mean the standard loom is 5m length?

If so, mines been cut down or is hidden somewhere behind the panels.

I need to move it pretty quick
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Here's my Heater. You can see a 6 pin lead on pic. I'm just wondering if there is 5m of cable hidden somewhere here
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