

Really confused cleaned the van and have this perfect round circle. When you feel the silver metal you can feel the paint edge . Someone has said a new way of marking vehicle to be stolen .

Why would a thief do anything to tip you off in advance of the deed?

Despite what the Daily Mail trots out with all the crap about the "Da Pinchi Code" etc theives do not go about making life easy for the police by leaving marks as a to-do list of upcoming thievery.

As for what it is though... a splash of some kind? Can it be peeled off or eased off with a blade?
Why would a thief need to highlight it? Are their memories that bad? They'd have to remember where the van was regularly parked up, and if they can remember where to go to find the van then its going to be pretty obvious to even the most forgetful thief that the 2 tonne box on wheels is what theyre looking for.

Sorry, I was a sergeant on an autocrime team for 7 years and heard it all.

But coming back to the mark, you reckon it seem like a spot with no paint that goes right down to the bare metal?
Looks like a sticker that some kid has stuck on. Occam's razor. Gentle heating and the edge of a credit card to remove?
Where on the van is it? Has that area been resprayed/repaired? How old is the van? Could have been a sticker that was then sprayed over and has now come loose and fallen off. No idea why one would have been there, maybe an error in the factory or a blank for an accessory that hasn’t been fitted?
Where on the van is it? Has that area been resprayed/repaired? How old is the van? Could have been a sticker that was then sprayed over and has now come loose and fallen off. No idea why one would have been there, maybe an error in the factory or a blank for an accessory that hasn’t been fitted?
It’s bottom of drivers door towards front .
No repairs to that area .