Coverting a panel van to kombi with a Kombi bed eventually ready for summer

Uncle Ringo

New Member
Hi all……I’ve sort of semi retired now so started converting my T6 panel van to a Kombi and thinking of getting a Kombi bed and going on camping trips in summer.
A local guy is fitting my seats and windows and I’m thinking of sound deadening under the panels,insulating and then carpeting any advice on quantities and materials to use as I’m on a budget really as the vans done 120k don’t want to spend too much on it really?
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Hi, firstly I wouldn’t worry too much about it having 120k, it will double that if looked after.

I’d recommend a site called deadening, I’m sure there’s a 10% code here somewhere. I wish I’d skipped the fleece as I ordered the 50mm. You can get the 100mm cheaper at b and q.

Is it a swb? Which panels are you doing? Floor, sides and ceiling? Cab area too?
  • 2x Silent Coat 2mm XL Mat Bulk for £79.99 each
  • 1x Dodo Thermo Liner 6mm - 10sq.m Roll for £129.99 each
  • 1x Dodo Fleece EVO 50mm - 3.7sq.m Roll for £36.99 each
  • 1x Dodo DEAD-EZY 40 Sheets for £49.99 each
  • 1 roll of b and q 100mm
This has done all my cab floor, side panels excluding window areas (just the sliding door and opposite), rear ceiling and wheel arches. Also between battens on the floor (just the dead ezy. I’d recommend silent coat 2mm over the deadezy (however not sure how much real life difference would be).
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Your a star Phil Thankyou I wasn’t going to do the cab area or the floor as I’m keeping the insulated rubber mat out the Kombi where I got the seats and belts from.
Do you think 10m2 of carpet would be enough and 10 tins of spray for ceiling and walls?
I can’t comment yet as I only started carpeting this weekend. I’ve ordered the medium package from Combe Valley Campers, think it was 12m and 12 cans. They have some amazing videos too.

I’ve kept the cab mat too, but did it because I stripped my van to clean it etc.
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Oh brilliant yes I’ve seen that stuff I there thanks for advice…….yes I’m just watching the coombe valley videos too I was going to order off them or vandalised off Amazon as they’ve been helpful too.
Yeah he’s done some great videos, I converted my panel van to a kombi myself after watching the how to video.

Best of luck with it all, post some pics if you can!
I started mine …..ripped ply lining out,took bulkhead out cleaned floor up and around where bulkhead removed but I wasn’t confident removing heat shield,exhaust and diesel tank to get floor brackets in. I was confident to put windows in myself but for what they wanted to charge why they’d got van in for seats I thought they may aswell do it.
Thanks for advice yes I’ll put pics on later next week
I did the opposite . I wimped out of doing the windows so paid to get it done, then spent hours stuck under the van faffing with the heatshield screws! It would have been fine if I had a nice heated workshop and ramp .

I’m still deciding on which layout, I’ve seen a few nice ideas on here with a pull out bed and a small side kitchen. What are you thinking?
Just a Kombi bed Phil.
We’ve got a large 8 berth tent and a portable kitchen so we’ll only use van to sleep.
All the best
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