CXFA strange noise


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T6 Guru
A problem friends, my engine, 2.0 cxfa from 2016, started making a strange noise... I thought it was the tensioner of the service belt so I tried to remove the belt but the noise remained.... I also replaced the timing belt including the water pump and the tensioner and pulleys, but nothing changed. I also replaced the engine oil.... someone told me there was a problem with the hydraulic lifters... I would like to know if my engine has hydraulic lifters, thanks
Yes the engine has hydraulic lifters.

Dodgy lifters will give you a ticking or tapping sound that follows the RPM.

Can you get a video clip of it?
You need to put it on YouTube (or other)

Then post a link to that here .
Sì, il motore è dotato di sollevatori idraulici.

I sollevatori difettosi produrranno un suono tipo ticchettio o battito che segue i giri al minuto.

Puoi avere un videoclip?

....I am incapable

...can I send by email?
ah, very good.

not come across that sound before. . .

so HPFP spring failed.

looks like that guy replaced the HPFP.
.... di solito se si rompe la molla, oltre al rumore dovrebbe succedere qualcos'altro, ma la mia Cali funziona bene, non ha incertezze..... Proverò a smontare la cinghia di distribuzione e a spostare l'ingranaggio come nel video... Preferirei che fosse la pompa piuttosto che iniziare a smontare l'intercooler, le punterie o altro...
Usually if the spring breaks, in addition to the noise something else should happen, but my Cali works well, it has no uncertainties..... I will try to disassemble the timing belt and move the gear as in the video... I'd rather it be the pump than start disassembling the intercooler, tips or whatever..

technical question..: what is that spring for?
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.... sorry, but my 2.0 cxfa sgc engine, which high pressure pump is mounted? delphi or bosch? thanks