Well, the P046C seems to be the mysterious one.
There is an "Output test" for the EGR -
"IDE00242-EGR Valve" which runs the EGR valve into several positions. By monitoring/comparing the measured values for "commanded/specified" value (IDE07756) vs. actual value (IDE07757) should tell if the valve does/doesn't respond properly.
Below the test graphed - just 30 seconds here - the square is the desired position, the circle is the actual position.
Anyways, we could try to monitor the "all" EGR sensors - the temperatures before/after and position - by the logging the following while driving:
IDE00021 Engine RPM
IDE00347 Air mass: actual value
IDE04035 exh.gas recirc. temperature
IDE04090 Exhaust temperature bank 1
IDE07756 Exhaust recirc.valve 1 bank 1: - Spec.value
IDE07757 Exhaust recirc.valve 1 bank 1: - Actual value
unknown in central electric 50990, no idea what is it.
50990 - Sender/Receiver Module 2 for Interior Monitoring (G305) faulty - (rear motion sensor)