Deadening and acoustic mat - where to avoid on T6.1 so door panel still fits


VIP Member
T6 Pro
I changed my Hertz speakers for Gladen and decided to upgrade the deadening at the same time. I did similar to this (but this is for a T6), with Deadn on the regulator panel and deadn + acoustic mat on the panel itself.. but panel wouldn’t go back on properly. I am trying to work out where the issue is preventing it. Anyone got any pics of areas to avoid to ensure panel still fits?

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By properly how do you mean. Any pictures of the issue
I changed my Hertz speakers for Gladen and decided to upgrade the deadening at the same time. I did similar to this (but this is for a T6), with Deadn on the regulator panel and deadn + acoustic mat on the panel itself.. but panel wouldn’t go back on properly. I am trying to work out where the issue is preventing it. Anyone got any pics of areas to avoid to ensure panel still fits?

Hi, I put some acoustic mat on the inside of the door panel. I had to remove some of it due to it not sitting back properly and also (from memory) the window caught on some of it. I don’t think I have any photos though.
About to do this myself before upgrading the front speakers. Had some prices from a guy on here for the speakers, Absolut5...

Interested to see what difference it makes.
Go to this thread

Scroll a few posts down and you’ll see photos of what I did to my doors. From my experience this is about as far as you can go and still get the cards back on.
About to do this myself before upgrading the front speakers. Had some prices from a guy on here for the speakers, Absolut5...

Interested to see what difference it makes.
Honestly I was surprised how much better they were. I don’t know how much is speakers and how much doing the acoustic mat, but I did one side first to compare and it was like night and day. Tweeters sound so much better and I’ve got a lot more kick drum frequency now. Highly recommend making the change.