Dog guard / lower bulkhead

Hi All, We have had our Transporter for a couple of months and want to block the area below the rear bench seats to stop our young dog from climbing through. We can't use a crate as we have 2 other dogs. We don't need a full bulkhead as they can't get over the top of the rear seats and a crate will be too small for all 3. I thought it would be quite easy to google and find something suitable, but it's a minefield out there !

Has anyone experience of getting something or can recommend a supplier please ?

The only option i could find was £650 and to be honest, the youngster will grow out of fitting underneath anyway after a year so we don't need anything super permanent - or expensive.

Thanks Mark
p.s. first question post, i did a search and couldn't find anything specific about this, also wasn't sure which sub forum to put this in.
I think I might have solved my issue. Cheap dog guard and some bungee cords. Just hope the pup doesn’t take a shine to chewing the cords. I’ll see how we get on. But a lot less expensive than bulkheads etc.
