DSG fault (possible solenoid?)


VIP Member
Hopeful for some advice on a DSG issue. Started out with a couple of small dodgy shifts when slowing for a roundabout and then picking up again. It was like gear didn’t engage and revs jumped without drive and then a thump when it engaged.
A few days back whilst driving the box had a repeat of above, the difference being it stuck to only shifting into even gears and a spanner symbol flicking in gear selection display. Nipped around to see mechanic buddy and he ran a scan which returned - P176C00 - Gear Selector 3 Cannot be Regulated.

Ffwd to a super helpful conversation with @Dav-Tec and a suggestion that this sounded like a mechatronic solenoid.
Are there any other experiences with this repair and if so any guidance I could point my mechanic at?
Also, any recommendations on which repair kit to purchase?

2017 T6 DSG BiTDI 204

Cheers in advance
My mechanic has agreed to take a look at this for me and tackle replacing the DSG solenoid.
I have to sort the parts, anyone any ideas where best place is to buy them from?
Given the particular error about gear selector 3 I’m guessing it’s maybe solenoid N434 that’s the knackered one, or am i barking up the wrong tree…

Did you get to the bottom of this? What was it in the end I have something similar, I'm just trying to find a thread before starting afresh.
Did you get to the bottom of this? What was it in the end I have something similar, I'm just trying to find a thread before starting afresh.
I was lucky. At least so far…
The parts were impossible to get and those that I managed to source ended up being the wrong ones (even after providing gearbox codes, reg, vin number ).
The mechanic got into the mechatronic unit to find parts not compatible. The silver lining was that he also noted the cover seal was some instant gasket crap and that had caused little beads floating around the unit. Thoroughly cleaned everything, boxed back up, fresh oil and filter and touch wood not a beat wrong since.
I still have a mechatronic fund for the day it comes to bite me!