Floor rails - how to remove and put back together


VIP Member
I recently had my van took apart and added insulation etc. Today I noticed one of the rails (the long aluminium part, behind the driver, window side) is not fitted properly. Only the end part is secured and "flush" with like the rest but the front part (close to this shorter section) is about 1cm above the floor now.

How to fit it in place ? I tried to push it down but it doesnt lock
Have you checked that you have not accidentally bent the locating piece's on the black floor track as i've found that some times they are not tight against the side of the channel and then they don't catch in the grove of the cover strip. I Think there is 4 or 5 down each side of the black track.
The problem is I was not the one who took it apart and back together. I dont see what prevents it to be pushed down all the way. Something is blocking it there, about 50cm from the rear side. If only I had some manual or vid.
The problem is I was not the one who took it apart and back together. I dont see what prevents it to be pushed down all the way. Something is blocking it there, about 50cm from the rear side. If only I had some manual or vid.
Its had to tell from your description and photos, are the springy clips that @Phil Blackburn mentioned still there?
You can just about see them circled in white in this photo:
Screenshot 2024-08-08 at 08.01.19.png

Are all the other aluminium rail caps sat properly? In your first phot0 you can see a notch in the rail. I'm pretty sure that should be at the rear of the van. There is a bar across the rail near the rear end (red box) that this clips into.

From your description it sounds like the aluminium is the wrong way round and its the bar near the back that is stopping it.

Sorry for rubbish photo but best I could find.
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The problem is I was not the one who took it apart and back together. I dont see what prevents it to be pushed down all the way. Something is blocking it there, about 50cm from the rear side. If only I had some manual or vid.
I am pretty certain from your description that the rails have been mixed up and fitted in the wrong places somehow. See photo above.
if that is the case then at least one more should be like that and so far I can tell the others look fine
I took it back to the guys that were on working on it before. They said that the rail plates are universal and can be fitted one way or the other. It's t6.1 btw. We glued it down because I have to leave this evening and will come back in 2 weeks to get the whole corner disassembled and fix it correctly