Fly net for sliding door recommendations?


T6 Pro
I am looking to purchase a fly net/screen that I can attatch on and off the opening for my side sliding door. Can anyone recommend one atall, ideally magnetic just to make life easy.

Open to all sudgestions!!!
There was a thread I read the other week, someone got there's from Jerba Campers in Scotland.
Midge netting needs to be finer than mosquito netting. Even the oem VW ones don’t keep out midges.
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Thanks for all the recommendations after talking to Sarah at Sarah's mosquito nets I have placed an order with her, always nice to know there built to order from a local business in the UK too.

For those interested I have gone for a midge net rather than mosquito one to help stop both mosquitos and midges. Have 2 zips so can be fully open without getting in the way or down to stop the pests! It was £150 delivered.
Thanks for all the recommendations after talking to Sarah at Sarah's mosquito nets I have placed an order with her, always nice to know there built to order from a local business in the UK too.

For those interested I have gone for a midge net rather than mosquito one to help stop both mosquitos and midges. Have 2 zips so can be fully open without getting in the way or down to stop the pests! It was £150 delivered.
Sorry to kick up this topic, How is your experience with this? Installation and for instance daily usage?
Thanks for all the recommendations after talking to Sarah at Sarah's mosquito nets I have placed an order with her, always nice to know there built to order from a local business in the UK too.

For those interested I have gone for a midge net rather than mosquito one to help stop both mosquitos and midges. Have 2 zips so can be fully open without getting in the way or down to stop the pests! It was £150 delivered.
How did you get on with this if you don't mind me asking?