Fox / Rodent repellants


T6.1 Kombi
VIP Member
T6 Pro
So had roadside assistance out today as the van was in limp mode and Christmas tree on the dash.

Turns out a fox / rat / whatever chewed through my NOX wiring and some other bits.
Had a search on the forum but couldn't find anything from experience to see what methods have worked to prevent another attack. We have a lot of foxes here and reckon it was them.

The roadside guy has suggested smearing the wiring with grease and chilli flakes which we'll do now - but has anyone tried anything else without repeat attacks?

Cheers in advance as I don't want to have to shell out for new sensors if it happens again. (Roadside tech is repairing the looms for me on this occasion)
Try peppermint mixed with water in spray bottle. Had mice on storage yard so when I researched this was one of the big recommendations.

Vicks vapour rub is another option. I’ve used a cheap make but still as effective… Give it a good thick smear. It stinks and probably tastes as “good” too..
I had the same happen to my Nox cable and Oil level sensor. Both repaired even though VW said it couldn't be done.
I used aluminium tape, wire wool and the hottest chilli powder I could find.
I placed the wool in long sections in the centre of the sticky side of the tape. Like rolling a cigarette. Added chilli powder. Then stuck tape down on top to sandwich it all together. Wrapped it round cables as neatly as I could with more aluminium tape then covered in peppermint oil. Haven't had a problem since (touch wood).
I checked a few weeks later. There was evidence that something had a go at it but changed its mind!
Pine Martens are common pests in Germany (Bavaria), known locally as Marda and there are all sorts of treatments available to deter them from chewing through cable etc. I had two HT leads chewed through on a Chrysler Voyager on successive nights when staying with a friend. When I lived there, I kept a loo blu hanging in the engine bay as a deterrent, and never suffered from any damage. Maybe that would work for foxes also?
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Apparently this is a problem because some of the rubber used to sheath these cables are soya based and the rodents/foxes think it's food.
I had the same happen to my Nox cable and Oil level sensor. Both repaired even though VW said it couldn't be done.
I used aluminium tape, wire wool and the hottest chilli powder I could find.
I placed the wool in long sections in the centre of the sticky side of the tape. Like rolling a cigarette. Added chilli powder. Then stuck tape down on top to sandwich it all together. Wrapped it round cables as neatly as I could with more aluminium tape then covered in peppermint oil. Haven't had a problem since (touch wood).
I checked a few weeks later. There was evidence that something had a go at it but changed its mind!
Hardcore construction haha.

For now I’ve smeared in general grease with a f*** tonne of chilli powder mixed in.

Will also be getting aluminium tape and taping any wires flush to heat shield and on so.

Is just annoying as, as I can’t exactly park the van elsewhere due to insurance
I remember someone recommended a wire frame on the driveway, under the engine bay. The buggers don't like it to walk on.....smear it in chilli, vices, whatever u like you witches
Three of my neighbours have built little fences that they put round every night.
It doesn't help as we have an elderly lady that feeds foxes every day. We have asked her to stop but she is taking no notice. The guys van in picture has been done twice. Has cost over £700 each time at the main dealers to replace wiring etc. The old lady actually walks over the road and chucks scraps on his gravel so they crap all over as can imagine how much he likes her :laugh:

Three of my neighbours have built little fences that they put round every night.
It doesn't help as we have an elderly lady that feeds foxes every day. We have asked her to stop but she is taking no notice. The guys van in picture has been done twice. Has cost over £700 each time at the main dealers to replace wiring etc. The old lady actually walks over the road and chucks scraps on his gravel so they crap all over as can imagine how much he likes her :laugh:

View attachment 235705
If I were him I’d video the old fart and then shop her for littering.
I've been having the same problem with hungry vermin. My local garage suggested this:


Just spray it on the edible parts and wires of your van.
So had roadside assistance out today as the van was in limp mode and Christmas tree on the dash.

Turns out a fox / rat / whatever chewed through my NOX wiring and some other bits.
Had a search on the forum but couldn't find anything from experience to see what methods have worked to prevent another attack. We have a lot of foxes here and reckon it was them.

The roadside guy has suggested smearing the wiring with grease and chilli flakes which we'll do now - but has anyone tried anything else without repeat attacks?

Cheers in advance as I don't want to have to shell out for new sensors if it happens again. (Roadside tech is repairing the looms for me on this occasion)
Could try wiping underbody wiring with creosote, smell seems to see off everything.
Could try wiping underbody wiring with creosote, smell seems to see off everything.
So far general grease and chilli powder has seemed to have been effective on an immediate return.

Hopefully was just bad luck.
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Thanks for your post: funnily enough I hadn't been able to locate yours before posting my own tale of woe today Rodent damage to NOX and Oil sensors, and AdBlue injector

Given you're a few months on now, interested in whether your cable-patch-ups are holding together OK (no error messages etc)?

And for deterrent we've brewed up a batch of chilli pepper mixed with washing up liquid (to help it stick), dispensed from a spray bottle. Said to work for rats but not sure if similar for foxes. The catastrophically expensive damage to three parts on my own van could be foxes or could be rats, as both are rife in the area where it was parked up during the week when this damage occurred :/

I've been surprised when looking online that there doesn't really seem to be much commercially available to protect the cabling from such attacks, even though it's so vulnerable to them.
Thanks for your post: funnily enough I hadn't been able to locate yours before posting my own tale of woe today Rodent damage to NOX and Oil sensors, and AdBlue injector

Given you're a few months on now, interested in whether your cable-patch-ups are holding together OK (no error messages etc)?

And for deterrent we've brewed up a batch of chilli pepper mixed with washing up liquid (to help it stick), dispensed from a spray bottle. Said to work for rats but not sure if similar for foxes. The catastrophically expensive damage to three parts on my own van could be foxes or could be rats, as both are rife in the area where it was parked up during the week when this damage occurred :/

I've been surprised when looking online that there doesn't really seem to be much commercially available to protect the cabling from such attacks, even though it's so vulnerable to them.

Sorry to hear you've suffered nibbling as well.

Yeh our repairs have been absolutely fine - done about 3000 miles since and nothing up with any management lights etc. I did have a week where the ACC would keep turning off, but as it's different wiring I think just a coincidence rather than linked.

We just smeared dried chilli powder (supermarket) in to general grease and smothered the cables. No issues since, and still have loads of foxes round. I didn't get round to alt-taping the wiring. May do that before winter sets in.