Single front passenger seat and original seat base. Seat is a factory reduced height seat without height adjustment or lumber adjustment, perfect for adding a swivel plate to. The seat has hard-wearing cloth (Marathon/Robusta) in Grey/Palladium with leather sides, back and headrest. Base is an original T5 passenger base with no storage pocket.
Looking for £300 for the seat, £80 for the base, ono. Can post / deliver if needed.
EDIT: forgot that I also have the base back cover / trim. It's grey and spotless - £20 - first refusal to anyone who takes the base.
Looking for £300 for the seat, £80 for the base, ono. Can post / deliver if needed.
EDIT: forgot that I also have the base back cover / trim. It's grey and spotless - £20 - first refusal to anyone who takes the base.
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