Front tyres - heavy wear on shoulders


New Member

just wonder if anyone can offer advice regarding front tyre wear. Both the inner and outer shoulders of the front tyres (Bridgestone 235/55 R17, 12350 miles) have worn badly on our Caravelle. The wear is equal on both edges and equal between left and right hand tyres. The wear indicators are around 0.5mm below the tread depth so the tyres are ready for replacement but i'm surprised by the amount of wear on the shoulders. I haven't had the tracking checked yet but would expect to see uneven wear if that was an issue?
Any ideas?
Thanks. It doesn't match any of those, the wear is very limited to the inner and outer shoulders on both front tyres. Wear across the tread looks fairly even.
Mine look a bit like that. I put it down to it being a heavy vehicle and I tend to carry speed around corners more than most. I have to replace the tyres soon so will see how the next lot look after a while

Conti Van Contant Eco at 50psi (sticker in van says 57/48psi)
I'd suggest under inflation as the cause. I'd think that you would need to set a higher tyre pressure to compensate for the additional wieght of any conversion. There should be a sticker in one of the door openings give pressures for loaded and unloaded driving.
Could it possibly be 'Hard Driving' ?

View attachment 203054
I agree, it looks like the middle portion of the tread is most worn, and the shoulders are also worn. To me that indicates "leaning" on the tyres whilst cornering, though there could be some toe-out contributing to wear. Another consideration would be if the load rating is correct.

I'd suggest that @MR T6 gets the alignment checked and slows down a bit before the corners. I'd also suggest considering making sure the van is rolling before steering rather than relying on power steering to haul the wheels around.

I'm just an old fart who used to drive stuff before power steering was commonplace ;)
That looks about normal for a Caravelle on standard wheels, tyres and suspension. Mine didn't fair much better. I could nurse around 14k out of the front tyres.

I'm guessing your tyres are 103 load rated as that's what they came from the factory with. Most vans come with 'commercial' tyres which have stiffer sidewalls and run at higher pressures. They won't deform as much when you lean on them, but give a harder ride. The Caravelle has a 'softer' car like tyre to improve the ride, but at the expense of the sort of wear you are getting.
Tell us your tyre pressures - that’s the most likely cause.

So the tracking was checked and it was out a little, suppose that's the effect of our potholed roads and 12000 miles. However this is my wife's daily and she's not know for sedate driving in fact she has two speeds, stopped and warp so 'hard driving may be a factor....
I will also monitor wear and pressure going forward and see what happens.