Fuel Gauge issue since flat battery


T6 Pro
Hi all I wonder if anyone can help, my T6 had a flat battery today and wouldn’t turn over, I put it on a trickle charge fo a bit and got it started but now my fuel gauge is not showing any increments the fuel light is on and it’s reading 0 miles in tank ? Has anyone ever experienced this before ? Thanks
Try disconnecting the battery for a minute
Yep. Has that sorted it?
No still nothing reading :(
Try a bcm reset. Disconnect your leisure battery if you have one. Disconnect the starter +ve and touch the lead on the -ve side. This will discharge any capacitors in the bcm
Ok I’m not confident in that as I’ve no clue in what I’m doing, I do also have a leisure battery
I put £10 of fuel in and it done the trick weirdly, there was nearly half tank in it anyway

Thanks for the help though
Evening all,
I've got a slight issue with my fuel gauge. I had a flat battery over the weekend so put it on charge and hoped that was that. Unfortunately it's never that simple is it! On starting the van up the fuel gauge was showing zero. I took it out for a run knowing I had just under half a tank, slowly but surely the gauge started to creep up as did the estimated miles of fuel left, however the gauge then started dropping like a stone, approx 30 miles of fuel according to the gauge/display after only covering less than 10 miles. After lunch today the gauge appeared to have climbed slightly after a short run out, but know where near as much as it should have. I've just been out in it again now and the gauge/display dropped 50miles for a 21.5 mile journey. Any one got and ideas what the Jeffin hell is going on with it?

Check your battery voltage.

If you've had a few flat batteries it might not be in the best of health and dragging down the voltage even on charge.
Hi all, just wondering if anyone could give me any more advice on this, my van runs great, but is still suffering with this fuel gauge issue from when I first posted on 18th Jan
I had a similar issue recently after changing the main starter battery. I know I had at least half a tank but the gauge was not moving from near the bottom, driving and restarting the van the few times didn’t help. Wondering if the float in the tank was stuck (would seem strange) I thought I’d drop by a fuel station. Added around 20 litres, started the van and the gauge came up straight away! No issues since. Hopefully yours is a simple fix too!
Hi all, just wondering if anyone could give me any more advice on this, my van runs great, but is still suffering with this fuel gauge issue from when I first posted on 18th Jan
Hi just wondering if you issue had resolved itself? I am having an almost identical issue after a flat battery
Hi just wondering if you issue had resolved itself? I am having an almost identical issue after a flat battery
Hi Twindub,
unfortunately I've never resolved the issue, This is weirdly timely as I was only thinking today about bumping this post again as I'm still getting to see if anyone can help. Please let me know if you manage to get a fix for this. Cheers
I’ll let you know how I get on , at the moment it looks like my fuel consumption is £30 to roughly 40 miles , either the gauge / sender / computer had got a problem or it’s leaking fuel somewhere

I’ll let you know how I get on , at the moment it looks like my fuel consumption is £30 to roughly 40 miles , either the gauge / sender / computer had got a problem or it’s leaking fuel somewhere

Thanks Twindub. I've checked and I'm definately not leaking fuel, I'd be surprised if you are, considering we both started to experience the same problem after a flat battery. Someone on here suggested it could be due to low battery voltage but I don't understand how that could effect the fuel consumption. Have you noticed that the fuel gauge sometimes drops then slightly goes back up again at various intervals?
Thanks Twindub. I've checked and I'm definately not leaking fuel, I'd be surprised if you are, considering we both started to experience the same problem after a flat battery. Someone on here suggested it could be due to low battery voltage but I don't understand how that could effect the fuel consumption. Have you noticed that the fuel gauge sometimes drops then slightly goes back up again at various intervals?

I agree with you, it's not likely to be a coincidence that a flat battery was the pre cursor to both of your problems.
It doesn't appear that either of you have an ACTUAL fuel consumption problem, (unless you know for certain), it's more an INDICATED fuel consumption problem.
I suppose the only way to find out is to fill it up, record the milage, then run it until runs out of fuel and see how many miles I have covered. I tried it with £30 at what appeared to be nearly empty but unless it actually runs out there is no way to tell
I suppose the only way to find out is to fill it up, record the milage, then run it until runs out of fuel and see how many miles I have covered. I tried it with £30 at what appeared to be nearly empty but unless it actually runs out there is no way to tell
Why run it until it runs out of fuel?
That's just asking for tons of trouble, and air locks, and you may run out in a dangerous position, avoidably.
Fill up to the brim. Record mileage.
Use van, i.e. drive a few hundred miles as you would normally.
Fill up to the brim. Record mileage.
Record fuel used in litres, convert to gallons, with mileage driven, calculate MPG.