Found Genuine light control switch T6

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The Flying Scotsman

Bugger this I’m off fishing
VIP Member
T6 Legend
I’m looking for a genuine T6 light control switch with the front fog light control.
I got an aftermarket one supplied with the fog light kit I fitted. But I’m getting an intermittent problem with my THQ rear lights since I fitted the fog lights. The main rear lights stop working and I get a bulb out light on the dash.
Apparently THQ lights don’t like aftermarket light control switches.
I’ve had a look and can’t find a genuine switch. Only aftermarket ones or T5 ones which I’m not sure if they fit the T6?
Anyone got one or know where I can get one from? I would rather buy a second hand one as VW will be more than I paid for the fog light kit.
There are loads on there, all of various condition and price! Few below

There are loads on there, all of various condition and price! Few below

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