Golf MFSW Buttons ACC


New Member
I got a question, i wanted to fit a golf gti steering wheel for example, i found the matching buttons. but they dont seem to work when i connect them. I have a t6 with acc, so thats makes it a little different. is there a way to make this work? or do i need to stick with the OG wheel because of the acc on my van.


I am not 100% certain but i don't think they will work. The wiring is different if I recall.
From memory polo ones do......that's why they are so expensive on ebay.
I have did it a long time ago, It maybe A little hard for you, but its possible

You need to disassemble the old and the new buttons completely, and then transfer the big IC from your original buttons to the new buttons
is something to think about, dont have that kind of skills myself but i think a good pc shop can sort this out, if you change the chip it was a plug and play system?